The phenomenon of rural migration and its repercussions in the caloric consumption of the population in el salvador


  • National Autonomous University of Nicaragua, UNAN-Managua



Remittances, Rural, Migration


Remittances have come to occupy the first place, if exports are divided into items. Specifically, they are more important than coffee exports and exports of manufactures, which have traditionally been the most relevant (Funes, 2003). The Regional Food and Nutritional Security Program for Central America (PRESANCA II) and the Regional Program of Information Systems on Food and Nutrition Security (PRESISAN) carried out a Characterization of Food and Nutritional Security (SAN) in March 2014 in selected communities of three border municipalities of Guatemala, El Salvador and Honduras. This study constitutes an extract of the characterization of SAN for the analysis of "The phenomenon of rural migration and its repercussions on the consumption of food energy of the population in El Salvador” emphasized in the rural community of San Ramón Centro, Municipality of Citalá in Chalatenango, which is characterized by its high migration. It is presented with the objective of determining the association between the reception of remittances and the alteration of the diet of the receiving families, which could give rise to the improvement or not of the SAN of the families studied. The The results obtained showed the effect of altering the families' diet, showing a difference in the 16% increase in energy consumed by families that received remittances; Although no percentage differences were observed of the energy intake of macronutrients according to receipt of remittances, it was possible to identify that the distribution of itself was inadequate.


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Author Biography

, National Autonomous University of Nicaragua, UNAN-Managua

POLISAL Department of Nutrition. UNAN-Managua


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How to Cite

MSc. Susana Leticia. (2015). The phenomenon of rural migration and its repercussions in the caloric consumption of the population in el salvador. Universitas (León): Revista Científica De La UNAN León, 6(2), 60–71.


