Effect of probiotics on the histological structure of the intestinal microbiota, in Tilapia (Oreochromis spp) fry cultured at the Aquaculture Experimental Station of the Agrarian and Veterinary Sciences Knowledge Area


  • Xaviera Dávila National Autonomous University of Nicaragua, León.
  • Brenda Quintana Martínez National Autonomous University of Nicaragua, León.
  • William Jirón National Autonomous University of Nicaragua, León.
  • Brenda Mora National Autonomous University of Nicaragua, León.




fingerlings, histology, microbiota, oreochromis spp, probiotic.


The intestinal microbiota of fish is made up of a diversity of microorganisms, these are essential for the digestion of food and protection against pathogens that affect production and safety. The objective of this study was to determine the effect of probiotics on the histological structure of the intestinal microbiota in tilapia fingerlings (Oreochromis spp). The study was carried out during the period from August to September 2023 in the Experimental Complex of the Aquaculture Unit of the Agrarian and Veterinary Sciences Knowledge Area. Two geomembrane ponds were used, with tilapia fingerlings (Oreochromis spp); In one of the ponds, 45 organisms were cultured fed with commercial concentrate, in the second pond the same population was cultured fed with a diet made from a probiotic strain (Weissella spp), the food ration was calculated according to the average of body weight. A necropsy was performed on four fish from each pond after a month of feeding; portions of intestinal tissue were extracted and stained with hematoxylin eosin to study their histological structure. It was determined that treated fish had significantly greater bacterial diversity and richness than samples from untreated fish. Demonstrating that probiotic feeding improves the intestinal microbiota, consequently there is greater effectiveness in the absorption of nutrients and the body growth of the fish. In the treated fish, epithelial cells were found that cover the intestinal mucosa in a cylindrical shape, and in the untreated group the epithelial cells were lower in height. It is concluded that the effect of Probiotic influences the histological structure and therefore the nutrition of the fish.


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Author Biographies

Xaviera Dávila, National Autonomous University of Nicaragua, León.

School of Agrarian and Veterinary Sciences, National Autonomous University of Nicaragua-León (UNAN-León),
Highway to La Ceiba 1 Km to the East.

Brenda Quintana Martínez, National Autonomous University of Nicaragua, León.

School of Agrarian and Veterinary Sciences, National Autonomous University of Nicaragua-León (UNAN-León),
Highway to La Ceiba 1 Km to the East.

William Jirón, National Autonomous University of Nicaragua, León.

School of Agrarian and Veterinary Sciences, National Autonomous University of Nicaragua-León (UNAN-León),
Highway to La Ceiba 1 Km to the East.

Brenda Mora, National Autonomous University of Nicaragua, León.

School of Agrarian and Veterinary Sciences, National Autonomous University of Nicaragua-León (UNAN-León),
Highway to La Ceiba 1 Km to the East.


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How to Cite

Dávila, X., Quintana Martínez, B., Jirón, W., & Mora, B. (2024). Effect of probiotics on the histological structure of the intestinal microbiota, in Tilapia (Oreochromis spp) fry cultured at the Aquaculture Experimental Station of the Agrarian and Veterinary Sciences Knowledge Area. Universitas (León): Revista Científica De La UNAN León, 15(2), 21–24. https://doi.org/10.5377/universitas.v15i2.18848


