About the Journal

About the Journal: 

Focus and scope

The scientific Journal Alerta is property of the National Institute for Health of El Salvador, and stands by the principles of Open Access. It is published twice a year, in January and July. It is cost free, given that Alerta do not charge shipping and editorial processing fees to authors for their published articles. The access to the full articles is also free to readers, and manuscripts of the different health sciences are accepted continuously.

It applies a peer review system of double-blind. Scope: accepts publications in the different health sciences.

The Journal’s mission is to be an instrument for dissemination of scientific information about health, to contribute to evidence based decision-making and strengthening the health system, science, technology and innovation.   

The electronic ISSN is: 2617-5274

The authors must follow the instructions of the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors which are published as Recommendations for the Conduct, Reporting, Editing, and Publication of Scholarly Work in Medical Journals (updated to December 2018): http://icmje.org/icmje-recommendations.pdf

The Journal aligns itself to the established international ethical norms and codes from the  Committee on Publication Ethics regarding its Code of Conduct and Best Practices Guidelines for Journals editors (COPE):  https://publicationethics.org;  the  Council of Science editors: http://www.councilscienceeditors.org; the Council for International Organizations of Medical Sciences (CIOMS):   http://cioms.ch  and the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors (ICJME):   http://www.icmje.org.

 Journal Indexing services:

Lamjol https://www.lamjol.info/index.php/alerta

Amelica http://portal.amelica.org/revista.oa?id=419

Latindex https://www.latindex.org/latindex/ficha?folio=28515

LILACS https://lilacs.bvsalud.org/periodicos-lilacs/periodicos-indexados-na-lilacs/

REDIB https://redib.org/Record/oai_revista5103-alerta

Manuscript delivery:

Manuscripts should be sent through the Open Journal System (OJS 3), an online system for peer review in the following link:   https://www.lamjol.info/index.php/alerta/submission/wizard

The Journal accepts articles written in Spanish. The magazine translates all its articles into English, the cost is sponsored by the INS.

Any notification or request may be sent to:  ralerta@salud.gob.sv

Publication and access costs
The Alert magazine does not charge authors shipping and editorial processing fees for published articles. Access to full-text articles is free.

Open access
Alert magazine adheres to the Budapest Open Access Initiative.

Publication frequency
Alert magazine publishes two issues per year in January and July. However, it accepts manuscripts on a continuous basis.

Advance publication
The Alert journal makes advance publications of the manuscripts that have passed the observations of peer evaluators before the date of publication of the number. Each article published in advance will be assigned a DOI and will have the legend "advance publication", until the date of publication of the corresponding number.

Peer Review
Alert magazine uses a double-blind peer review system.

The Alert magazine is published in Spanish and translated into English to improve the visibility of your publications.

Ethical aspects
All manuscripts submitted to the Alert journal must have ethical approval from the country where the study was conducted. In the case of research carried out in El Salvador, they must have the approval of an accredited local ethics committee. The ethical aspects of each article must be specified in the methodology area. For clinical case studies, these aspects have a special section. This does not apply to review articles. Whenever the journal considers it pertinent, it will request the sending of the proof of informed consent of all the people who participated in the study.

Registry of clinical trials
Alert magazine supports the clinical trial registration policies of the World Health Organization (WHO) and the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors. Therefore, only clinical trials that have an identification number in one of the registries validated by the criteria established by the aforementioned institutions are accepted for publication. The identification number and the registration site must be included on the cover sheet.

The Alert magazine attributes to the authors control over the integrity of their work and the right to be duly recognized and cited. Alert magazine has a Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY) license applied to material submitted for publication. The authors retain their copyright on the article. All we require from the authors is a license that allows us to publish the article on our site.

We request the signature (in the cover letter) of all corresponding authors who grant this license and are in agreement with the publication of the manuscript. 

This license allows authors to freely use their articles for their own purposes, without asking permission from the Alert magazine, it is only subject to the recognition of the first publication in Alert and must make a complete reference or a web link, DOI, as appropriate.

Privacy statement
The personal data of the authors will be for the exclusive use of the journal and will not be made available to any other person or institution.

Authorship of the manuscript
All authors must have made substantial contributions to each of the following: (1) study conception and design, or data acquisition, or data analysis and interpretation; (2) the draft of the article or the critical review of the intellectual content; (3) final approval of the version presented; (4) be willing to be accountable for all aspects of the investigation.


Authors are the only responsible for the opinions expressed in their articles, and not necessarily represent the opinion or policy of the institution. Mentioning of specific business companies or product manufacturers does not imply an endorsement of their products, names or trademarks.

Fees for delivery or processing:

Alerta, DOES NOT charge manuscript delivery and editorial processing fees to the authors for their published articles. The access to full articles is free in PDF and HTML formats for the readers.

Open Access policy. Privacy Declaration:

The Alerta articles are published under a creative commons 4.0 CC license by : https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/   Authors have agreed to allow copy and distribution of their material through any means, as long as author's recognition is maintained without any other restrictions. 

Attribution — You must give appropriate credit, provide a link to the license, and indicate if changes were made. You may do so in any reasonable manner, but not in any way that suggests the licensor endorses you or your use.

No additional restrictions — You may not apply legal terms or technological measures that legally restrict others from doing anything the license permits.  You are free to: share, copy and distribute the material in any way or format under the following terms: Credits must be correctly mentioned. 

Peers´ evaluation process:

The peers’ review is the critically impartial evaluation made by expert professionals who are not part of the Journal editorial team. They are requested to double-blind review the originality of the manuscript, the relevance and structure according to the current technical norms, as well as pertinence, content and writing, being this an important part of the scientific process.

We support the concept of editorial freedom in order to avoid transgressions to the different medical, academic, secular communities; hence, the assessment made are solely responsibility of the authors, as it is stated in the Assignment of Copyrights.  

All sections of Alerta are assessed. The editorial team requires at least one revision from 2 external peer reviewers, who are expert professional in the thematic areas and are not members of the editorial team of the Journal.  

Correction and retraction policies:

The editorial team is responsible for the integrity of the published contents. Changes in published articles can be made only under specific circumstances.

Correction to published manuscripts:

If the editorial team is notified about an error in the published article, the due correction is in order. In cases like this, the Journal takes into consideration the correction to the original document online (HTML and PDF), and a notice is added at the end of the document explaining the changes made in relation to the original document; an erratum is published. 

Retraction of published articles:

The Journal considers a retraction in cases of untrusted data or information, plagiarism or duplicate publication, scientific misconduct or lack of ethical behavior in the investigation. A note of retraction is published in place of the original text. PDF documents will be watermarked as retracted and the reasons of the retraction will be placed. Nevertheless, the original text will continue to be accessible.  

Digital Preservation Policy

Alerta journal requests ORCID registration from authors and assigns a DOI (Digital Object Identifier) to articles published in the journal. In addition, it uses the Open Journal System (OJS) editorial management system, which uses the LOCKSS (Lots of Copies Keep Stuff Safe) system to guarantee authors a permanent and secure archive. OJS uses the OAI-PMH protocol (Open Archives Initiative – Protocol for Metadata Harvesting) for the exchange of metadata on the Internet and the metadata used is coded in Dublin Core 1.0. The OAI-PMH Alert Path under Dublin Core is: OAI-PMH the path for Alert is: https://www.camjol.info/index.php/alerta/oai

Thanks to the indexing in AmeliCA, Alerta journal makes a markup in XML language under the JATS standard provided by AmeliCA to scientific journals that promote a non-profit publication model to preserve the academic and open nature of scientific communication, some of your reading add-ons are presented in HTML, ePub, Smart Viewer, Mobile Viewer, and PDF.


Sponsor: National Institute for Health of El Salvador.   http://ins.salud.gob.sv/

Address: Urbanización Lomas de Altamira, Boulevard Altamira & Avenida República del Ecuador. #33, San Salvador, C. A.