Editorial Team

Editorial Board


Nadia Patricia Rodríguez Villalta https://orcid.org/0000-0002-2725-9210

Contacto: ralerta@salud.gob.sv Teléfono: (503) 2591-8253

Chief Editor

Medical Doctor, specialized in Internal medicine and Family medicine. Currently, studying a post graduate Master's degree on Strategic Management of Health Organizations; she has taken other post graduate courses in management and bioethics with UNESCO; several courses on research, editing and visibility of scientific journals and publishing with INASP and Latindex, among others. Dr. Rodríguez Villalta has been professor in different areas of clinical medicine and facilitator in the post graduate courses “APS integral” (integral Primary Health Care), and “Health Policy to Advocate for Health as Human Right” (UISP). At present, she is responsible for the Health Virtual Library of El Salvador. Chief Editor of the Alerta Journal since 2018.

Edgar Quinteros https://orcid.org/0000-0003-0939-7318


Deputy Editor

Mr. Quinteros holds a Master's degree in Epidemiology Sciences from the Instituto de Medicina Tropical Pedro Kouri, Havana, Cuba. He obtained his Bachelor's degree in Environmental Health from the Universidad de El Salvador. Currently, he is working as researcher in the INS. He has attended multiple international and national scientific conventions and gatherings as lecturer and juror of other scientific works. Mr. Quinteros has published several works on environmental toxicology and epidemiology and has participated as peer reviewer for different scientific journals; he also teaches post graduate courses at Masters level and has participated in several courses such as scientific communication on health sciences, management, editing and indexing of scientific journals and medical texts, as well as research methodologies and protocol formulation for health. He is Deputy Editor for Alerta Journal since 2018.


Editorial Team

Luis Trejo 



Writing Style reviewer

Mr. Trejo obtained a BA in Communication from the Universidad Centroamericana José Simeón Cañas (UCA). He also has taken post graduate certifications in Institutional Communication and Political Marketing from the UCA, and Social Communication for Science from N-Conacyt; also, courses in editing and writing of scientific literature, with PAHO/WHO, Cálamo & Cran and from the Universidad de El Salvador among others.  Mr. Trejo has worked in journalism as a writer and editor, for the digital media journals El Faro and MedioLleno. Currently, he works at the Ministry of Health of El Salvador, and also teaches at the Universidad Dr. José Matías Delgado and Universidad Pedagógica de El Salvador. Member of the Editorial Committee and Writing Style Reviewer since 2018.

Edwin López Morán 



Graphic coordinator and diagrammer 

Mr. López Morán obtained a BA in Sociology from the Universidad de El Salvador. Plastic Artist, he has worked as art teacher, cartoonist, illustrator, graphic designer, editorial coordinator and adviser. He received the Honoré Daumier first place Award for the National Cartoon Contest, form the Alianza Francesa of El Salvador. His work can be found in several publishing houses such as Editorial Laberinto, Editorial Dissal (extinct), Revista El Salvador Médico (Journal), and Revista Salud (journal). He also has published some tourism related works in the following media:  suplemento Cultural Tres Mil, from Diario Co-Latino (2008-2010), and the digital Journal Contrapunto. He has served as member of the editorial committee and Graphic Coordinator and Diagrammer since 2018.


Carlos Enrique Hernández Ávila 



Medical Doctor graduated from Universidad de El Salvador. He obtained a Master´s degree in Public Health from the Universidad Evangélica de El Salvador. Dr. Hernández Ávila has worked as researcher in health sciences, data analysis and as manager of specialized laboratories. He also has done post graduate studies in Epidemiology, Bioinformatic, Project Management and Scientific Writing. In addition, he is professor for the Public Health Master's program from the Universidad Evangélica de El Salvador. During 2019, Dr. Hernández Ávila was appointed chief of the Department of Governance and knowledge management of the INS. He has been member of the Editorial Committee since 2018. 

Jaime Alejandro González Rodas



Medical Doctor, graduated from the Universidad de El Salvador. Dr. González Rodas has been chief of the Residency Department of Surgery in the San Juan de Dios Hospital in Santa Ana in 2015. He works as Medical Surgeon for the Santa Ana Regional Hospital of the Salvadorean Institute for Social Security since 2016. He is, as well, works as Coordinating professor of the clinical area of the School of medicine of the Universidad Católica de El Salvador. Member of the Editorial Committee since 2018. 

Karina Elizabeth Mendoza Reyes 



Medical Doctor graduated from the Universidad de El Salvador in 2004, and specialized in Pediatrics from the Universidad Rafael Landivar, Guatemala, and Neonatology form the National Women's Hospital. Dr. Mendoza Reyes has a Master's degree in Social Research Methods and Technics from the Universidad de El Salvador, and several certifications in Brain Ultrasonography and Neonatal Functional Ecography. Currently, she is part of the staff of the National Women's Hospital and member of its research committee. Member of the Alerta´s Editorial Committee since 2018.

Víctor David Franco 



Medical Doctor graduated from the Universidad Salvadoreña Alberto Masferrer. Dr. Franco has post graduate studies in Intensive Care, Internal Medicine and Critical Medicine from the Salvadorean Institute for Social Security, and Research Methodology for Health from the Universidad de Navarra, Spain. Since 2019, he works as Chief of the Health Research and Teaching Department of the Salvadorean Institute for Social Security. Member of the Editorial Committee of the Alerta Journal since 2018.

Susana Peña 



Medical Doctor graduated from the Universidad de El Salvador, specialized in Internal Medicine and Neurology from the Rosales National Hospital and the Universidad de El Salvador. Dr. Peña, has a Master´s degree in Research Methodology from the Universidad Evangélica de El Salvador and has been certified in Quality Management of Medical Care from same University. She also has taken courses  about Research Applied Ethics, Neurophysiology, Transcranial Doppler, Cerebrovascular Event Management and Movement Disorders. Currently, she works in Neurology for the Rosales National Hospital and San Rafael Hospital and teaches pre- and post-graduate courses in Internal Medicine, Neurology and Research. Member of the Editorial Committee since 2018.

Willy Vladimir González Ibarra 



Medical Doctor specialized in Psychiatry. Dr. González Ibarra holds a Master´s degree in Hospital Management and his BA is in Anthropology. He has done post graduate studies in Forensic Psychology, Anthropology and Forensic Genetics. He teaches virtual programs for several institutions such as PAHO/WHO, ASO and Salvadorean universities. He worked as Chief of the Mental Health Department in the Regional Hospital of the Salvadorean Institute for Social Security in Santa Ana and currently works as chief of the Mental Health Department of the Dr. José Antonio Saldaña National Hospital. In addition, he es professor for pre- and post-graduate level in the Universidad de El Salvador. Member of the Spanish Society for Evolutionary Biology and the International Society of Professional for the substance abuse prevention and treatment. Member of the Editorial Committee since 2019.


Editorial Support

Francisco Antonio Orellana Berrios
Informatics Technology Support

Instituto Nacional de Salud.
San Salvador, El Salvador.

Brenda Chinchilla

Editorial Assistant
Instituto Nacional de Salud.
San Salvador, El Salvador.

Hervin Recinos
Editorial Assistant
Instituto Nacional de Salud.
San Salvador, El Salvador.

Mónica Chacón
Editorial Assistant
Instituto Nacional de Salud.
San Salvador, El Salvador.

Fressia Cerna
Instituto Nacional de Salud.
San Salvador, El Salvador.

Xenia Monroy
Editorial Assistant
Instituto Nacional de Salud.
San Salvador, El Salvador.


Scientific Comittee

Alberto Baly Gil


Instituto de Medicina Tropical “Pedro Kourí”.
La Habana, Cuba.


Alexandre Ribó


Consultor independiente.
Barcelona, España.


Ana Ruth Escoto Castillo


Universidad Autónoma de México.


Carlos Manuel Orantes Navarro https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Carlos_Orantes_Navarro


Ministerio de salud de El Salvador.

San Salvador, El Salvador.


Carlos Alexander Ortega


Universidad de El Salvador.
San Salvador, El Salvador.


Carlos Ortez González


Hospital San Juan de Dios.
Barcelona, España.


Carlos Vinicio Coreas


Universidad de El Salvador.
San Salvador, El Salvador.


Dina L. López


Universidad de Ohio.
Ohio, Estados Unidos.


Lorena Rivas de Mendoza


Universidad Centroamericana “José Simeón Cañas”.
San Salvador, El Salvador.


Lorena Suárez Idueta


Universidad Oxford.
Oxford, Inglaterra.


Luis A. Mejía



Illinois, Estados Unidos.


Marta Castro Peraza


Instituto de Medicina Tropical “Pedro Kourí”.
La Habana, Cuba.


Marvin J. Núñez


Universidad de El Salvador.
San Salvador, El Salvador.


Miriam González


St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital.
Tennessee, Estados Unidos.


Nilson Correa Bedoya


Universidad Autónoma de México.


Noé Rigoberto Rivera


Universidad de El Salvador.
San Salvador, El Salvador.


Tania Cuadra Zelaya


Universidad de El Salvador.
San Salvador, El Salvador.


María-Virginia Rodríguez Funes


Hospital Nacional Rosales.
San Salvador, El Salvador.


Yaxsier de Armas Rodríguez
