Master in BIM Management (2021) from the Catholic University of Murcia. Architect by UNI (2016). Professional experience in Urban Development, Environment, Comprehensive Risk Management and Housing projects. Professor at the Faculty of Architecture of the National University of Engineering. General Editor of the scientific magazine Arquitectura + and in charge of the area of Communication and Dissemination of the Faculty of Architecture-UNI.
Established by INASP in 2012. Managed by CNU, UNAH and CBUES.
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E-ISSN: 2518-2943 Edited and published by: National University of Engineering, Nicaragua. Location: Simón Bolívar RUSB University Campus, UNI, Managua, Nicaragua.
E-mail: revistarq.mas@uni.edu.ni URL Web: http://www.revistas.uni.edu.ni/index.php/arquitectura/index OAIPH: http://www.revistas.uni.edu.ni/index.php/arquitectura/oai
Main Portal: http://www.revistas.uni.edu.ni/index.php/arquitectura/index Others portals: https://www.revistasnicaragua.net.ni/index.php/arquitectura
Architecture + Journal
eISSN 2518-2943