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Central American Journals Online (CAMJOL) is a service to provide online publication of Central American journals. For more information about CAMJOL and how to join the service, see the About page.
E-ISSN: 2518-2943 Edited and published by: National University of Engineering, Nicaragua. Location: Simón Bolívar RUSB University Campus, UNI, Managua, Nicaragua.
E-mail: revistarq.mas@uni.edu.ni URL Web: http://www.revistas.uni.edu.ni/index.php/arquitectura/index OAIPH: http://www.revistas.uni.edu.ni/index.php/arquitectura/oai
Main Portal: http://www.revistas.uni.edu.ni/index.php/arquitectura/index Others portals: https://www.revistasnicaragua.net.ni/index.php/arquitectura
Architecture + Journal
eISSN 2518-2943