Glucose oxidase an alternative in the preservation of beverages


  • Luis Edgardo Ojeda Ojeda Universidad de Carabobo. Maracay-Venezuela.
  • Luis Manuel Pérez-Ybarra Universidad de Carabobo. Maracay-Venezuela.
  • Jordy Javier Gamez Villazana Universidad de Carabobo. Maracay-Venezuela.
  • Nirza de la Cruz Noguera Machado Universidad de Carabobo. Maracay-Venezuela.



GOX, PPO, conservation, apple juice, apple nectar


GOX has been widely used as a food additive due to its properties, however, there is no scientific literature reporting its effects on the preservation of beverages prepared from fruits. The objective of the research was to confirm the preservative potential of a GOX extract, to prevent browning in apple juice and advantage the production of hydrogen peroxide as antimicrobial in apple nectar. Four treatments were applied to the juice to determine the antioxidant activity of GOX; the first with an enzyme concentration of 64.5 mg/mL, the second with 129 mg/mL of the enzyme solution, the third with ascorbic acid (64.5 mg/mL) and a fourth without additive (control) and then the percentage of inhibition was determined. In the case of pasteurized natural nectar, without additives or glucose, an experiment was conducted under a factorial arrangement of two GOX concentrations (64.5mg/L and 129mg/L) and two temperatures (4°C and 37°C), evaluated in four storage times (0, 24, 48 and 72 hours), and the oxidizing potential of GOX was determined through the production of H2O2. An inhibitory effect of GOX on enzymatic browning was found in apple juice. In addition, the statistically significant effect between GOX concentration and incubation time on the production of hydrogen peroxide in the nectar was confirmed, corroborating the enzyme's potential as a preservative.


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Author Biographies

Luis Edgardo Ojeda Ojeda, Universidad de Carabobo. Maracay-Venezuela.

Doctor en Ciencias de los alimentos en la Universidad Simón Bolívar (Venezuela), Magister en Ingeniería Agroindustrial en la Universidad Nacional Experimental de los Llanos Occidentales “Ezequiel Zamora y Licenciado en Química de la Universidad de Carabobo. Profesor Titular de Bioquímica en la Universidad de Carabobo. Con experticia en Biotecnología, Enzimas, Ciencias de los alimentos.

Luis Manuel Pérez-Ybarra, Universidad de Carabobo. Maracay-Venezuela.

Candidato doctoral, Magister en estadística e Ingeniero Agrónomo de la Universidad Central de Venezuela. Profesor Titular de Matemática en la Universidad de Carabobo. Experto en análisis estadístico y diseño de experimentos.

Jordy Javier Gamez Villazana, Universidad de Carabobo. Maracay-Venezuela.

Doctor en Ingeniería Agroindustrial, Magister en Ingeniería Agroindustrial e Ingeniero Agroindustrial de la Universidad Nacional Experimental de los Llanos Occidentales “Ezequiel Zamora (UNELLEZ). Profesor titular en el Programa Ciencias del Agro y Mar de la UNELLEZ e integrante de la RedSIAL Americana. Experto en tecnología de alimentos.

Nirza de la Cruz Noguera Machado, Universidad de Carabobo. Maracay-Venezuela.

Doctora en Ciencias e Ingeniero Agrónomo de la Universidad Central de Venezuela. Profesor Titular de Matemática en la Universidad de Carabobo. Con experticia en Biotecnología, Fermentaciones, diseño de medios de cultivo y productos naturales.


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How to Cite

Ojeda Ojeda, L. E. ., Pérez-Ybarra, L. M. ., Gamez Villazana, J. J. ., & Noguera Machado, N. de la C. . (2022). Glucose oxidase an alternative in the preservation of beverages. Journal of Science and Technology El Higo, 12(2), 2–13.



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