Evaluation of human, natural and material factors that affect the use and efficiency of Kanchan filters in the San Juan community, Tipitapa Nicaragua


  • Xochilt Yaosca Barahona Silva Programa de Investigación, Estudios Nacionales y Servicios del Ambiente, PIENSA. Universidad Nacional de Ingeniería, UNI.
  • Jonton Josué Talavera Blandón Programa de Investigación, Estudios Nacionales y Servicios del Ambiente, PIENSA. Universidad Nacional de Ingeniería, UNI.
  • Sergio Rafael Gámez Guerrero Programa de Investigación, Estudios Nacionales y Servicios del Ambiente, PIENSA. Universidad Nacional de Ingeniería, UNI.




arsenic, adsorption, sand, iron hydroxide, granulometry


In Nicaragua, the quality of water is affected by the presence of arsenic in concentrations higher than that indicated in CAPRE standards. In the present study, a diagnosis was made of the Kanchan filters built in the San Juan de Tipitapa community and factors that can affect their use and efficiency were determined. Kanchan filters are a low-cost alternative to reduce the presence of this analyte in drinking water. The lack of knowledge on water quality issues, health effects due to arsenic intake and lack of training in operation and maintenance are human factors that affect the use of the filter. When comparing these units with the specifications recommended in the MIT and ENPHO guides, they do not comply with the materials in terms of diameter of fine sand, free space between the bottom of the pan, number of nails and pieces of brick inside the diffuser pan, managing to remove only between 60-70% arsenic. Subsequently, with the same materials from the evaluated units, a filter was assembled at the laboratory level that complies with the provisions, resulting in arsenic <0.01 mg/L, phosphates of 0.2 mg/L, Ph of 8.37 and calcium of 12.38 mg/L. To obtain a good performance in Kanchan filters, it is recommended to comply with fine sand granulometry that retains the arsenic-iron complex and to guarantee the amount of iron hydroxide for arsenic adsorption, as well as to continuously train users in the use and maintenance of the technology.


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Author Biographies

Xochilt Yaosca Barahona Silva, Programa de Investigación, Estudios Nacionales y Servicios del Ambiente, PIENSA. Universidad Nacional de Ingeniería, UNI.

Es Ingeniero Químico, Con Maestría en “Ciencias Ambientales con mención en Ingeniería Ambiental” del Programa de Investigación, Estudios Nacionales y Servicios del Ambiente.

Jonton Josué Talavera Blandón, Programa de Investigación, Estudios Nacionales y Servicios del Ambiente, PIENSA. Universidad Nacional de Ingeniería, UNI.

Es Ingeniero Químico, Con Maestría en “Ciencias Ambientales con mención en Ingeniería Ambiental” del Programa de Investigación, Estudios Nacionales y Servicios del Ambiente

Sergio Rafael Gámez Guerrero, Programa de Investigación, Estudios Nacionales y Servicios del Ambiente, PIENSA. Universidad Nacional de Ingeniería, UNI.

Es Ingeniero Civil. Con Maestría en Calidad de Agua (ERIS USAC), Especialidad en Tratamientos Anaerobios (IHE). Académico de Universidad Nacional de Ingeniería.


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How to Cite

Barahona Silva, X. Y. ., Talavera Blandón, J. J. ., & Gámez Guerrero, S. R. . (2022). Evaluation of human, natural and material factors that affect the use and efficiency of Kanchan filters in the San Juan community, Tipitapa Nicaragua. Journal of Science and Technology El Higo, 12(2), 14–23. https://doi.org/10.5377/elhigo.v12i2.15193



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