Perspective of producers and cuppers on the influence of fermentation on the organoleptic characteristics of coffee (coffea arabica) catimor variety, a case study in Nicaragua
Fermentation practices, coffee quality, cup profile, organoleptic characteristics, Catimor coffeeAbstract
The objective of the study was to carry out a qualitative analysis that would provide information on the influence of fermentation on the cup profile, focusing particularly on the Catimor variety, under a qualitative approach. In this sense, interviews were carried out with coffee producers and cuppers, in order to learn about current fermentation practices, as well as experiences in the evaluation of this variety by different methods, in parallel, a bibliographic review was carried out on the research developed on coffee fermentation. From the results it can be inferred that, although there is detailed knowledge, the need to understand fermentation in an integral manner is highlighted, also emphasizing the crucial role of this biological process in the improvement of coffee quality. The Catimor variety, in spite of having a better resistance and productivity compared to other varieties, does not compete in terms of organoleptic characteristics, since on average it presents a low cup profile. The implementation of controlled methods emerges as a promising strategy, being thus, that the collaboration between producers, tasters, processors and research in the search for better techniques and methods allow the advancement in the quality and sustainability in the production of Catimor coffee.
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