Work engagement associated with sex, age, category and seniority of professors at the UNAN León, Nicaragua, 2019




Utrecht Work Engagement Scale, teaching, Positive psychology


The teacher constitutes a very important factor in higher education, they are one of the fundamental axes of the educational process. This article describes the results of a research whose objective was to identify the degree of engagement of 399 teachers from the National Autonomous University of Nicaragua-León, UNAN-León, based on 4 dimensions: vigor, dedication, absorption and engagement in 2019. The survey technique was applied, a quantitative analysis methodology was used and the Utrecht Work Engagement Scale (UWES) questionnaire was used. The study sample was distributed as follows: 82% between 30 and 59 years old, the majority are women and most of the people have married marital status, 65% of the teaching staff have postgraduate studies, 41% category of associate professor and 39%, the highest teaching category (full professor); 48% have a full-time contract, 55% of the participating staff have more than 10 years of working for the institution and 26% reported suffering from a chronic illness. The age, sex or seniority of the teacher did not determine statistically different levels of engagement. It was observed that the teaching staff of the National Autonomous University of Nicaragua-León, in the dimensions evaluated, had a high commitment. It is concluded that they worked with high engagement, energy and motivation.


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Author Biographies

Dina Mercedes Álvarez Jirón, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de Nicaragua, León, UNAN-León

Licenciada   en   derecho   con maestría   en “Administración   de   empresa   con   énfasis   en organización”. Y doctorado en “Educación Superior.” Investigadora y docente universitaria con más de 15 años de la Universidad Nacional Autónoma de Nicaragua, León.

Luis María Dicovskiy Riobóo (q.e.p.d), National University of Engineering, Regional University Center in Estelí, Nicaragua.

Ingeniero Agrónomo con: Especialidad en “Mejoramiento Vegetal”, Maestría    en “Estadística e Investigación de Operaciones”, Maestría en “Métodos de Investigación Social Cualitativa” y Doctorado en “Gestión y Calidad de la Investigación Científica”. Investigador y Docente Universitario por más 30 años.


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How to Cite

Álvarez Jirón, D. . . M. . . ., & Dicovskiy Riobóo (q.e.p.d), L. M. . (2024). Work engagement associated with sex, age, category and seniority of professors at the UNAN León, Nicaragua, 2019. Journal of Science and Technology El Higo, 14(1), 20–35.



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