Historical evolution and future prospects of the activated sludge system
Active biomass, hydraulic criteria, biotechnology in activated sludge, environmental remediationAbstract
The activated sludge system is a biological system, implemented for the treatment of industrial, agricultural and domestic wastewater; it is based on the degradation of organic matter using the facultative heterotrophic bacteria present; to understand the biochemical and microbiological mechanism behind this process and use it in favor of wastewater purification, in addition to coupling it with a hydraulic system, 120 years of research and progress, which are described at a general level in this review article; this was carried out through the development of a state of the art and background evaluation, where the main scientific findings in biological aspects are contracted, including the biochemical basis, hydraulic components, main problems in environmental factors and an evaluation of future perspectives within the biotechnological component for the use of by-products of the process.
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