Evaluation and determination of wine and alcohol production from cacao exudate, multifunctional cooperative cacaotera la Campesina rl, of the municipality of Matiguas in the department of Matagalpa


  • Alba Veranay Díaz Corrales Universidad Nacional de Ingeniería
  • Yessin Mahela Calero Leiva Universidad Nacional de Ingeniería
  • Zilgean Massiel Moreno Lazo Universidad Nacional de Ingeniería




mucilage, cocoa, alcohol, wine


The purpose of this research was: To evaluate and to determine the production of wine and alcohol from the cocoa exudate of the blend of Amazonian, Creole and Hybrid varieties at laboratory scale, as well as their production costs, for the Cooperative Multifuncional Cacaotera La Campesina RL, of the municipality of Matiguás in the department of Matagalpa ". For the development of this research, visits were made to the cooperative to collect the mucilage or exudate. The collected exudate was transferred to the Laboratory of Agroindustry of the National University of Engineering, Estelí Headquarters (UNI-RUACS), to be processed using two treatments, the first Referring to the pasteurization of the exudate (T1), and the other one to the non-pasteurization of the exudate (T2). In the wine, were obtained yields of: 69.33% for T1 and 70.31% for T2, being these greater than 60%, with alcohol degrees of 13.23% in T1 and 12.61% in T2, being classified as a dry wine. In relation to ethyl alcohol obtained at 75%, it was a yield of 58.4% for T1 and 76.09% for T2. The costs of production were calculated based on yields obtained in each of the processes being for wine with T1 of C$ 198.12 Córdobas and for wine of T2 C$ 195.23 Córdobas, for alcohol with pasteurization treatment C$ 157.58 and treatment alcohol non-Pasteurized from C$ 124.47; According to the results of this research, wine and alcohol can be obtained from the exudate of cacao with commercial characteristics, getting better yields in wine production than in alcohol.


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Author Biographies

Alba Veranay Díaz Corrales, Universidad Nacional de Ingeniería

Es Ingeniero Químico, Máster en Didácticas de las Ingenierías y Arquitectura. Experiencia en Formulación y Ejecución de Proyectos de Investigación. Participación como expositora en foros y congresos a nivel nacional e internacional. Coautor de Atlas de cafés especiales de Nicaragua, Manual Técnico ―Beneficio, Calidad y Denominación de Origen y publicación de artículos científicos en la revista científica de la UNI-Norte ―El Higo‖. Docente e investigadora en la temática Denominación de Origen. Asesora en la aplicación de herramientas TGP. Tutora de tesis monográficas.

Yessin Mahela Calero Leiva, Universidad Nacional de Ingeniería

Es graduada de Ingeniero Agroindustrial de la Universidad Nacional de Ingeniería.

Zilgean Massiel Moreno Lazo, Universidad Nacional de Ingeniería

Es graduada de Ingeniero Agroindustrial de la Universidad Nacional de Ingeniería



How to Cite

Díaz Corrales, A. V., Calero Leiva, Y. M., & Moreno Lazo, Z. M. (2015). Evaluation and determination of wine and alcohol production from cacao exudate, multifunctional cooperative cacaotera la Campesina rl, of the municipality of Matiguas in the department of Matagalpa. Journal of Science and Technology El Higo, 5(1), 2–16. https://doi.org/10.5377/elhigo.v5i1.8625



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