Health and Wellbeing: Sustainable Development Goals in Central America




Systems of health, Sustainable development, Central America, COVID-19, Human Right


This scientific article addresses the efforts made by the Governments of the Central American Region on Health and Welfare issues promoted by the United Nations to give way out and continuity to the agenda of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) of developing countries. From this approach, we will examine the strategies and operational plans that counteract the COVID-19 pandemic from the public Health systems of the Central American countries, thus contributing to the social, economic, political and cultural development of the Central American Region. Quality and public health is a right that every human being must possess, without any exclusion as established by the United Nations Human Rights. Health is the factor that most influences the advancement and progress of people and societies since without health there is no life. Health, in addition to ensuring a better quality of the environment, is also part of the daily processes of our life, that is why health is guaranteed in most countries of the world and access to it has been considered an essential human right. The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) highlight the importance of guaranteeing and promoting adequate health, protecting the well-being of the entire population. To meet and respond to needs, it is necessary to promote initiatives that eradicate certain diseases, finance health systems, improve sanitation and increase access to medical services. That is why Central American governments are making efforts to comply with the SDGs in the context of COVID-19 and thus guarantee the well-being of families.


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Author Biography

Bryan Alexander Jaime Manzanarez, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de Nicaragua, Managua. UNAN-Managua, Nicaragua

Docente-Investigador de la Universidad Nacional Autónoma de Nicaragua, Managua (UNAN-Managua), Carrera de Comunicación para el Desarrollo de la Facultad de Humanidades y Ciencias Jurídicas. Coordinador del Sistema de Comunicación (SISCOM) de la Facultad de Humanidades y Ciencias Jurídicas. Ha elaborado ensayos e investigaciones en el marco de la aplicación de Plan de Comunicación para proyectos institucionales (2020). Políticas Públicas en materia de salud y educación (2018). Elaboración de un Proyecto de Comunicación donde se proponía la creación una institución educativa para niños y jóvenes en Carazo, de acuerdo a uno de los ODS de la CEPAL (2018). Elaboración de un reportaje radial sobre la Inversión Pública en Educación Superior Virtual (2018). Elaboración de campañas publicitarias en la prevención de embarazos a temprana edad en Jinotega. (2018). Participación en Ponencias sobre Integración Centroamericana impartidas por el Parlamento Centroamericano (PARLACEN) y la Corte Centroamericana de Justicia.



How to Cite

Jaime Manzanarez, B. A. (2021). Health and Wellbeing: Sustainable Development Goals in Central America. Raíces: Revista Nicaragüense De Antropología, 5(9), 172–184.



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