Anthropology in front of the Bicentennial




anthropology, bicentennial, culture


In the writing resonates the great question that haunts us as Anthropologists, so our contribution will always be to assume the challenge of understanding the unifying laws, insisting on divergences and kinship. It is ours, the tradition of the study of society immersed in a culture and its historical evolution. So the proposal is to visualize: the virtue of humanism and the error of disconnection with reality (epistemic obstacle). This In Therefore, the learnings of the Bicentennial are a path with obligatory passage to admire its academic landscape: with theoretical volcanoes and lakes full of methodological approaches. That is what this invitation is about, to dare to think about the real, ideal and symbolic.


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Author Biography

Milton José Flores Chavarría, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de Nicaragua, Managua. UNAN-Managua, Nicaragua

Maestrante Estudios Socioambientales (Ambiente, desarrollo y territorio ),Facultad Latinoamericana de Ciencias Sociales Ecuador. Maestrante (Facultad de Filosofía y Letras/ Instituto de Investigaciones Antropológicas) Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México Biblioteca Nacional de México, Profesor/Investigador (Antropología ) Universidad Nacional Autónoma de Nicaragua. Interesado en la investigación y la docencia lo ha llevado como Antropólogo a la transdisciplinariedad. De esta forma amplió su paronama de estudios socioculturales entre las temáticas: Desarrollo, Ambiente y Territorio. A partir del enfoque etnográfico como productor de sentido y compresión cultural en contexto de globalización.


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How to Cite

Flores Chavarría, M. J. . (2021). Anthropology in front of the Bicentennial. Raíces: Journal of Social Sciences and Politics, 5(Especial), 21–26.



Bicentenario de la Independencia de Centroamérica