Reaching Allah and shifting away from God: religious experience in the field




Corporeity, Embodiment, Ethnography, Religious Subjectivation


In this article I will analyze the process of conversion to Islam, during my first fieldwork experience, while I was gathering ethnographic information with a muslim community in Guadalajara, Jalisco, Mexico. I will make use of the notions of religious subjectivation, corporeity and embodiment, parting from my position as an anthropologist and catholic agent. The analysis problematizes how our schemes of being in the world are affected, and it brings the attention to both an academic subjectivity and a religious one taking part of the scholar-religious practitioner’s imbricated corporeities; the first one considering from the mistakes, difficulties, and the personal and professional ethic dilemmas confronted in the field, while the second one from relational and embodied experience with/of the Catholic God, objectified in sensorialities, affections and dis/enchantment with the sense of the world after reaching Allah through conversion.


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Author Biography

Daniel Fernando Vázquez Sosa, Universidad de Guadalajara, M´éxico

Egresado de la Licenciatura en Antropología por parte del Centro Universitario de Ciencias Sociales y Humanidades de la Universidad de Guadalajara. Actualmente desarrolla la tesis Uso y alcance de la experiencia religiosa en peritajes antropológicos: identidad, memoria y territorialidad en tres localidades de Jalisco y Nayarit. Cuenta con 5 años de experiencia como asistente de investigación en la unidad Occidente del CIESAS, 3 años como auxiliar en peritajes antropológicos y desde 2019 como participante y auxiliar del Seminario Permanente de Corporalidades. Sus intereses giran en torno a las categorías de experiencia, subjetividad y corporalidad ancladas a los estudios antropológicos de la religión. 


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How to Cite

Vázquez Sosa, D. F. (2021). Reaching Allah and shifting away from God: religious experience in the field. Raíces: Journal of Social Sciences and Politics, 5(10), 181–191.



Dossier: Acercamientos Etnográficos