Architectural spaces for pedagogical mediation: Designing together the new school
Educational space, Architecture, Integration, Pedagogical Mediation, University teaching processAbstract
Pedagogy and architecture have educational purposes, because in essence, they accompany individuals in the perception and action of the world, determining to a great extent their physical, emotional and social intelligence. It reviews the teaching theories, the contextual reasons and the historical conditions that have configured these intentional spaces since the origin of the dissemination of knowledge, and reviews in more detail those theoretical spaces granted intentionally or unconsciously in a theoretical or practical way, the quality of those suggestions, whether they are theoretical or real architectural models, must highlight some qualities.It focuses on the space-school dedicated to the stage of formation of individuals on a regular basis and focuses on the experience of space, and based on its most illuminating components, the individual classifi cation of the didactic space was carried out. This essay was based on the application of the information approach, personal experience, life stories, observations, historical texts that are developed later. It is necessary to reconsider the educational space to adapt it to the current needs of the knowledge society, to reflect on architectural pedagogy from the perspective of integration between disciplines: architecture and pedagogy. Horizontality is far from establishing greater specialization and isolation, but it is essential. Society develops through mystification, by establishing common arguments, generating territories for encounter.
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