Corn among the popolucas of the Sierra, Veracruz, Mexico. Notes of his story




Corn, Popoluca, Cultivation, Ritual, Jomshuk


The intention of the article is to show part of the indigenous knowledge, in general, and of the popoluca culture, in particular; referring to the milpa system, exposing notions and productive practices, ceremonial and symbolic associated with the cultivation of corn in localities in the southern region of the state of Veracruz, Mexico; product of fi eldwork carried out between 1993-1995, as part of the Activities of the Project Sierra de Santa Marta A.C. (University of Carleton, Canada-National Autonomous University of Mexico). The methodology used was concretized with the application of in-depth interviews, the observation and transects in corn plots, mainly. The results of the work show the way in which the agricultural work between the popolucas represents a system that is covered with a complex logic through which man interacts,nature and the spiritual; in the process the mythical role of Jomshuk, God of corn, stands out.Ancestral.


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Author Biography

Juan Alejandro Rodríguez Hernández, Universidad Veracruzana, México

Antropólogo lingüista de la Universidad Veracruzana y Trabajador Social de la Universidad Popular Autónoma de Veracruz. Coautor del libro Voces y Rostros de la Colonia Francisco I. Madero (2019), publicado por el Instituto Veracruzano de la Cultura, Xalapa, Ver.; y Coordinador y coautor de varios textos y documentos técnicos en educación y salud comunitaria, e interculturalidad.


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Gobierno del Estado de Veracruz (2021). Cuadernillos Municipales, Soteapan, 2021. Sistema de Información Municipal. Disponible: municipales-2021/

Gutiérrez Morales, S. (2015). Vocabulario popoluca de la sierra/popoluca-español/ bilingüe/popoluca de la sierra. Variante del Estado de Veracruz de Ignacio de la Llave. Ciudad de México: INALI-SEV-AVELI.

Oropeza Escobar, M. (1994) Aproximación Interpretativa del mito totonaca Juan Aktzin y el diluvio. Tesis de maestría. Veracruz, México: CIESAS.

Rodríguez Hernández, J. A. y Ramos Vázquez, M. E. (1993) Entrevista a Benjamín Elson, Soteapan, Veracruz, México.

Vogt, E. (1988) Ofrendas para los Dioses. México: Fondo de Cultura Económica.



How to Cite

Rodríguez Hernández, J. A. . (2022). Corn among the popolucas of the Sierra, Veracruz, Mexico. Notes of his story. Raíces: Journal of Social Sciences and Politics, 6(11), 84–94.



Somos hijos del maíz