Strategies of life and reciprocity

in the Moyuá lagoon 2020-2022




Rural culture, Life strategies, Pluriactivity, Social relations, Reciprocity


The present investigation analyzes the life strategies of the families that live in the Laguna de Moyuá, with an approach to social relations. Life strategies were analyzed to understand the rural culture that prevails in the study area. The research is of an ethnographic nature, under the interpretative paradigm, with a qualitative approach, field visits were carried out between 2020 - 2022, allowing the description of the context from its environmental, historical, socioeconomic and cultural dimensions. Interviews were conducted with 16 households, current life strategies were analyzed, delving into two representative families of the Moyuá lagoon; the Castro family and the Moreno family. The first family has a multi-active economy, with marked rural-urban migration patterns; the other with a traditional peasant economy. The results of this research is the analysis of both economies and their social relations, finding reciprocities in their different expressions. Finally, conflict situations are interpreted as limiting life strategies, such as the abuse of common resources, cattle rustling, labor and other types of negative reciprocities that affect the strategies themselves. Rural families fi nd themselves in a network of factors that modify their ways of life that respond to the needs of social reproduction.


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Author Biography

Ciro Benavidez Meza, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de Nicaragua, Managua. UNAN-Managua, Nicaragua

Antropólogo social con enfoques en temas rurales y económicos. En su quehacer investigativo desarrolló estudios en zonas críticas del corredor seco. Ha realizado prácticas profesionales en el Ministerio de la Familia en el Programa Amor. A lo largo de su carrera ha expuesto en congresos nacionales e internacionales sobre temáticas como Soberanía Alimentaria, Turismo Comunitario y Representación del Espacio. Recientemente, se ha desempeñado como asistente técnico en consultorías de movilidad eléctrica en el país y en proyectos de uso racional de energía en zonas críticas del corredor seco como Ciudad Darío, Matagalpa.


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How to Cite

Benavidez Meza, C. . (2023). Strategies of life and reciprocity: in the Moyuá lagoon 2020-2022 . Raíces: Journal of Social Sciences and Politics, 6(12), 113–134.



Antropología Rural