Experience of Nicaraguan university volunteers: hand in hand with social anthropology





Social volunteering, university volunteering, Nicaraguan anthropology, university social responsibility, agents of change


The university is a social institution, which must comply with university social responsibility (RSU). In support of the aforementioned, the National Autonomous University of Nicaragua (UNAN-Managua), as one of the largest institutions of higher education in the country, belongs to the National Network of Volunteers, that is, the participative, democratic and representative institution of the voluntary organizations of Nicaragua. Consequently, under the same institutional line, as a motivating element, in 2013 the Social Volunteer of the career of Social Anthropology, Faculty of Humanities and Legal Sciences was created, culminating in 2016, being a university space to demonstrate the organized solidarity of the intervention of the educational sector, executing actions in charity of the community, as well as strengthening a greater social sensitivity and unity of students regarding the problems and need of the most vulnerable inhabitants of the city. Therefore, the objective of this study is to explain how the university volunteering of the career of social anthropology, became an area of interest to strengthen the processes of university education as an expression of service learning; and voluntary action will be analyzed through responsibility and involvement of students in different activities, which allow: expand their social networks, increase their personal performance, add value to the curriculum, contrast knowledge, discover skills, feel useful for the society, invest free time and leave a mark.


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Author Biography

Jossarys Massielle Gazo Robles

Máster en Métodos de Investigación Científica. Licenciada en Antropología Social. Recibe el Reconocimiento de Excelencia en Investigación a nivel de la Unan-Managua en el 2011. Con el proyecto de innovación ReutilAgua, es galardonada en 2012 por la Grand Valley University, Tager Studio y la Unan. Actualmente se desempeña como docente del departamento de Antropología, donde también coordina el área de Investigación del Departamento de Antropología. Ha participado como tutora en la Jornada de Desarrollo Científico, JUDC 2015-2017. Sus áreas de interés se relacionan con la etnoecología, la medicina tradicional y el rescate de los saberes ancestrales. Ha realizado investigaciones y publicados artículos científicos sobre medio ambiente, plantas medicinales y desarrollo comunitario, desde el enfoque antropológico. Sobre estas temáticas ha liderado también procesos participativos en diferentes comunidades indígenas de Nicaragua.


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How to Cite

Gazo Robles, J. M. (2018). Experience of Nicaraguan university volunteers: hand in hand with social anthropology. Raíces: Journal of Social Sciences and Politics, 2(3), 89–97. https://doi.org/10.5377/raices.v2i3.6902



Antropología: Saberes y Prácticas