The new trends of the student movement in Nicaragua




student movement, UNEN, social agenda, political anthropology


This essay reflects on the student movement and its dynamics in Nicaraguan society. Showing clearly your participation in the social agenda from its foundation to the present. The current trend shown by the movement is towards social and environmental actions. It shows a student movement participate in the country’s political agenda, with increasingly concrete activities in the social and environmental spheres. The essay combines participant observation, such as theoretical reflections, betting on a reflexive critical narrative.


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Author Biography

Allan Daniel Martínez Martínez, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de Nicaragua - Managua

Licenciado en Derecho, actualmente estudiante de la maestría en Antropología y Liderazgo Social tercera cohorte. Docente del Departamento de Derecho de la UNAN-Managua. Fue Presidente de la Unión Nacional de Estudiantes de Nicaragua, para la UNEN- UNAN-Managua 2016-2019, y Presidente de la Facultad de Humanidades y Ciencias Jurídicas, 2013-2015. Ha participado en distintos congresos y encuentros estudiantiles a nivel nacional e internacional.


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How to Cite

Martínez Martínez, A. D. (2019). The new trends of the student movement in Nicaragua. Raíces: Journal of Social Sciences and Politics, 3(5), 90–95.



Antropología Política: gestión y participación