History of the social science career of UNAN-Managua





Social Sciences, History, Curriculum, Education


The history of the Social Sciences career of the Faculty of Education and Languages of the UNAN-Managua makes a dense journey on a set of facts and experiences of academic, curricular and organizational character of the career between the years 1960 to the present, also intermingles in the bowels of their stories those sociopolitical and cultural particularities that directly and indirectly influenced the construction of the various curricula of the University and the Social Sciences career. This history has been reconstructed through the memories and stories of key people who were interviewed by means of the Oral History methodology, as well as the information obtained through the bibliographic analysis of documents, minutes, study plans and official letters. Thus, as a result of this exhaustive research process, the reader is provided with an article that characterizes each stage of the Social Sciences career with special emphasis on the social context in which it developed, the academic and administrative conditions in which it was located, the physical conditions in which it was developed, the curricula it included, the teaching staff it had, and other particular characteristics that were compiled for each historical moment.


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Author Biographies

Julio César Orozco-Alvarado, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de Nicaragua – Managua, Nicaragua

Doctor en Educación e Intervención Social. Profesor de la Universidad Nacional Autónoma de Nicaragua – Managua, Nicaragua.

Ramón José Dávila, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de Nicaragua – Managua, Nicaragua

Doctor en Educación e Intervención Social. Profesor de la Universidad Nacional Autónoma de Nicaragua – Managua, Nicaragua

Adolfo Alejandro Díaz-Pérez , Universidad Nacional Autónoma de Nicaragua – Managua, Nicaragua

Máster en Educación e Intervención Social. Profesor de la Universidad Nacional Autónoma de Nicaragua – Managua, Nicaragua.

Carlos Manuel Herrera-Oporta , Universidad Nacional Autónoma de Nicaragua – Managua, Nicaragua

Licenciado en Ciencias Sociales. Profesor de la Universidad Nacional Autónoma de Nicaragua – Managua, Nicaragua. 

Álvaro Antonio Centeno-Pérez , Universidad Nacional Autónoma de Nicaragua – Managua, Nicaragua.

Licenciado en Ciencias Sociales. Profesor de la Universidad Nacional Autónoma de Nicaragua – Managua, Nicaragua.



How to Cite

Orozco-Alvarado, J. C. ., Dávila, R. J. ., Díaz-Pérez , A. A. . ., Herrera-Oporta , C. M. ., & Centeno-Pérez , Álvaro A. . (2021). History of the social science career of UNAN-Managua. Revista Electrónica De Conocimientos, Saberes Y Prácticas, 4(1), 118–133. https://doi.org/10.5377/recsp.v4i1.12099



Educational Research