Meanings and perceptions of the environment for adolescents: Reflection in times of pandemic




COVID-19, Environmental Education, Environmental Perceptions, Meaning of the Environment


The perceptions of some adolescents about the environment are an essential factor in understanding man-nature. The current pandemic produced by COVID-19, allowed the subjects to observe their surroundings carefully, leading to changes in perceptions. All of this was built from environmental education; a tool that served to explore and feel the benefits of space, all during confinement. The objective of the research was to analyze and interpret the perceptions that a group of adolescents has, in a situation of vulnerability to the environment in times of confinement due to the COVID-19 pandemic. The research is located in the qualitative paradigm of a narrative type, through drawings, interviews, and a focus group technique, the research was developed. The findings: the environment as a whole. Urban processes and city noise do not allow us to reveal the importance of nature. However, the environment as an unbreakable structure in the face of human reality, the silence that the pandemic produced led the study group to new experiences within the space they inhabit, for example, sounds, observation of new birds, insects, etc. Finally, the participants reflected on the changes brought by confinement and the meaning of the environment, strengthening the relationship with nature. In addition, the growth of the city brings disturbances in nature, changing the landscape.


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Author Biographies

Juan Camilo Cardona-Castaño, Santo Tomás University, Colombia

Environmental Consultant and Environmental Administrator of the Santo Tomás University, attached to the Nursing education research group

Martha Custodia Lamprea-Zona, University Santo Tomas, Colombia

Máster en Ciencias Ambientales. Profesora de la Universidad Santo Tomás.

Flor Aida Cubides-Suárez, University Santo Tomas, Colombia

Specialist in Social Project Management. Coordinator of the University Attention Center of the Santo Tomás University.



How to Cite

Cardona-Castaño, J. C., Lamprea-Zona, M. C., & Cubides-Suárez, F. A. (2021). Meanings and perceptions of the environment for adolescents: Reflection in times of pandemic. Revista Electrónica De Conocimientos, Saberes Y Prácticas, 4(2), 9–24.



Educational Research