Algebra: A review from its bibliographic antecedents




Algebraic reasoning, cognitive processes, teacher training, methodologies, cultural diversity


This article focuses on the importance of algebra in current education through a qualitative study based on a hermeneutic approach. The analysis is based on the systematic review of 25 articles published in scientific journals between 2000 and 2022 on solving algebraic problems from an epistemic, practical, and investigative perspective. The study highlights the importance of different theoretical positions and teaching methods so that teachers find the one that best suits their students and the context where they are. It is concluded that teachers should propose problems that develop skills such as analysis, data interpretation, and teamwork to prepare students for more complex situations in and outside the classroom. The articles with the practical category propose activities to improve reasoning and algebraic thinking, which can help guide the study, prevent errors, and expand knowledge on the subject. On the other hand, the research category articles address the emergence of forms of algebraic thinking in young students and show evidence of their evolution. The cited authors agree that the development of algebraic thinking in primary school and the best treatment of algebra in secondary school are linked to the teacher’s performance and his ability to transform mathematical tasks towards the achievement of progressive levels. The problems and conflicts that exist in the management and application of textbooks and the use of technology in the teaching-learning process are highlighted. The study concludes by suggesting proposals to improve the quality of understanding and solving mathematical problems in different areas and scientific careers. In summary, the article highlights the importance of algebra in education today and suggests ways to improve the teaching and learning of this discipline.


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Author Biographies

Ana María Soto-López, Universidad Pedagógica Nacional Francisco Morazán, Tegucigalpa

Ingeniera Industrial. Estudiante de la Maestría en Matemática Educativa de la Universidad Pedagógica Nacional Francisco Morazán.

Fausto Castillo-Ochoa, Universidad Pedagógica Nacional Francisco Morazán, Tegucigalpa

Licenciado en Matemáticas. Estudiante de la Maestría en Matemática Educativa de la Universidad Pedagógica Nacional Francisco Morazán.

Mario Enrique Zúniga-Hernández, Universidad Pedagógica Nacional Francisco Morazán, Tegucigalpa

Licenciado en Matemáticas. Estudiante de la Maestría en Matemática Educativa de la Universidad Pedagógica Nacional Francisco Morazán. 

Luis Edgardo Centeno-Eude, Universidad Pedagógica Nacional Francisco Morazán, Tegucigalpa

Licenciado en Matemáticas. Estudiante de la Maestría en Matemática Educativa de la Universidad Pedagógica Nacional Francisco Morazán

Mery Concesa Martínez-Cháves, Universidad Pedagógica Nacional Francisco Morazán, Tegucigalpa

Licenciada en Matemáticas. Estudiante de la Maestría en Matemática Educativa de la Universidad Pedagógica Nacional Francisco Morazán



How to Cite

Soto-López, A. M., Castillo-Ochoa, F., Zúniga-Hernández, M. E., Centeno-Eude, L. E., & Martínez-Cháves, M. C. (2023). Algebra: A review from its bibliographic antecedents. Revista Electrónica De Conocimientos, Saberes Y Prácticas, 6(1), 62–76.



Educational Research