Professional competencies in the Physics-Mathematics Practicum from the perspective of the student body


  • Carmen María Triminio-Zavala Universidad Nacional Autónoma de Nicaragua, Managua (FAREM-Estelí)
  • Almudena Martínez-Gimeno Universidad Pablo Olavide, Sevilla, España
  • Tonys Romero-Díaz Universidad Nacional Autónoma de Nicaragua, Managua (FAREM-Chontales)



competence, professional competencies, Higher education, Physics-Mathematics, Practicum


The practical training of university students is of great relevance for professional, personal and academic performance. In this process the Practicum stands out particularly for being a moment of initiation into professional life, which thus becomes a learning situation, a personal and professional experience at the same time that it is one more curricular component. The research is descriptive and determines how students (N=152) of the Physics-Mathematics career of FAREM-Estelí value the development of professional competencies in their processes of living in the practice scenarios, collected through a questionnaire. The results show that the professional competencies that the students acquire and develop during the Practicum are the Participative Competencies and the Techniques. It is concluded that the assessment of the Professional Competencies that enhance the Practicum is positive according to students, highlighting with greater valuation the Technical Competencies and the Participative ones the least valued as the participation in school fairs, school competitions of the specialty, including mathematical or physics olympiads.


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How to Cite

Triminio-Zavala, C. M., Martínez-Gimeno, A., & Romero-Díaz, T. (2024). Professional competencies in the Physics-Mathematics Practicum from the perspective of the student body . Revista Electrónica De Conocimientos, Saberes Y Prácticas, 6(2), 80–95.



Educational Research