Nursing care process applied to a pediatric patient with severe pneumonia: Clinical case


  • Zenayda Aurora Suárez Universidad Nacional Autónoma de Nicaragua, Managua, CUR-Chontales
  • Pablo José Obando Téllez Universidad Nacional Autónoma de Nicaragua, Managua, CUR-Chontales
  • Luz Marina Solano Galeano Universidad Nacional Autónoma de Nicaragua, Managua, CUR-Chontales
  • Maurinela Yashuara Valdez Oporta Universidad Nacional Autónoma de Nicaragua, Managua, CUR-Chontales



nursing care process, ineffective respiratory pattern, nutrirional imbalance, insomnia management


In a healthcare setting, information is collected about a person's health, events that occur during an illness, and data crucial to diagnosing, treating, and monitoring the patient's progress. The objective of this work was to apply the Nursing Care Process (PAE) to a pediatric patient with severe pneumonia. The information collected and interpreted was essential to design care plans that addressed their care needs and contributed to their recovery. Pneumonia is an urgent pathology that affects children throughout the world. To guide the intervention, Virginia Henderson's 14 needs model methodology was used to gather necessary information, assess the patient's condition, and recognize needs that needed to be addressed promptly. To do this, it was necessary to apply the theoretical basis of the North American Nursing Diagnostic Association (NANDA), as well as the NOC (Nursing Outcomes) and NIC (Nursing Interventions) classifications, the results of the study show the approach of three standardized care plans that addressed the main care needs. In conclusion, the application of PAE was essential for the successful management of severe pneumonia in this pediatric patient.


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How to Cite

Suárez, Z. A., Obando Téllez, P. J., Solano Galeano, L. M., & Valdez Oporta, M. Y. (2024). Nursing care process applied to a pediatric patient with severe pneumonia: Clinical case. Revista Electrónica De Conocimientos, Saberes Y Prácticas, 6(2), 138–152.



Ciencias de la Salud