The complex thinking as propedéutico for the transgersion of mathematical knowledge




Transparadigmatic, Complexity, Propedeutic, Desconolization, Inclusive Process


The transgestion of mathematical knowledge attends to a transparadigmatic subversion, in an inclusive process where mathematical knowledge circumscribes the scientific knowledge of mathematics; but also the buried mathematical knowledge; those of ethnic groups, Ethnomathematics of everyday life; this is the mathematical cultural heritage. The objective of this research is to analyze complex thinking as a propaedeutic of the transgestion of mathematical knowledge using the comprehensive hermeneutic approach in the three moments proposed by Santos (2003), in the times: the analytical, the empirical and the propositive. Concluding, that in the mathematical knowledge the information transmitted does not capture the full meaning of mathematics in the daily life and culture of the ethnic groups; the bars must be broken in the mathematical constructions of the determinate objectivity of the scientist and exploring the mathematical knowledge in the ethnic groups is a virgin attempt to begin in the investigations of immeasurable wealth to be created in the decolonization of them, this is urgent and involves expanding the understanding of those knowledges. The heritage knowledge itself involves complexity, and can be trans-managed and safeguarded, its conscious transgestion to a teacher who attends a transcomplexity formation of mathematics formed not only for effective knowledge but in the integral intelligence: analytical, systemic, sensitive, bodily and deeply human.


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Author Biography

Milagros Elena Rodríguez, Eastern University

Post Doctorate in Education Sciences. Research Professor at the Universidad de Oriente



How to Cite

Rodríguez, M. E. (2020). The complex thinking as propedéutico for the transgersion of mathematical knowledge. Revista Electrónica De Conocimientos, Saberes Y Prácticas, 3(1), 72–89.



Educational Research