Productive and reproductive parameters in four chicken breeds (gallus gallus domesticus) dual purpose




Production parameters, dual purpose hens, gallus gallus domesticus


 This paper seeks to evaluate how four breeds of chickens respond (Rodhe Island Red, Orpignton, Plymouth Barrada and New Hampshire Red) to productive and reproductive parameters in the environmental conditions of the Experimental Field of Universidad de Oriente. The Methodological aspects executed consist of an experimental study with a randomized design, with four treatments (four dual-purpose breeds of hens) and four repetitions, to find significant differences in treatment outcomes. We applied the Analysis of Variance (ANVA) using the program Excel 2013, in addition, to know the positions of when significant differences existed, the Tukey test was applied with a value of significance at 5%. The results indicated that the breeds achieved good weight (2.24 to 2.51 kg) with no significant differences among the four breeds, the number of eggs laid in a year was best in the Rodhe Island Red breed with 135/ eggs/year, while Plymouth Rock Barrada obtained the lowest amount with 73.20/eggs/ year. Another aspect is the weight of the egg which oscillates between 51.43 and 56.29g, with significant differences. Regarding reproductive parameters. The best birth rate was for the Orpigton breed with 78% and Rodhe Island Red with 74%. The best economic return is the Rodhe Island Red breed with a benefit/cost of $1.36. Finally, Rodhe Island Red, Orpignton, and New York Hampshire Red were the best performers in the productive and reproductive

PDF (Español (España)) 428

Author Biography

Felipe Santiago Salvador Bonilla, Universidad de Oriente

Ingeniero Agrónomo
Investigador Universidad de Oriente



How to Cite

Salvador Bonilla, F. S. (2021). Productive and reproductive parameters in four chicken breeds (gallus gallus domesticus) dual purpose. Research Journal, 1(9), 33–42.


