Sensation and thermal acceptance of users in sports spaces with transition period in warm semi-dry climate




thermal sensation, thermal acceptance, sports spaces, climatic transition


Families are the fundamental pillar of society, it is important to enabling spaces with adequate conditions for optimal development, this benefits society in general, where it reduces the level of social disorder in sports spaces. The objective of the study was to evaluate the sensation and thermal acceptance of users in sports spaces with a transition period in warm semi-dry climate ". The case study was the town of El Grullo, Jalisco and a descriptive, non-experimental and cross-sectional methodology was used. 258 questionnaires were applied to users in the transition period from warm to cold climate from 07:00 to 22:00 hours where meteorological and thermal environment variables were recorded, the questionnaire design was based on the ISO 7933: 2005 and ISO 10551 standards: 2019, for data analysis, Pearson's correlation was used for the significant association between meteorological and ordinal variables. The results allowed us to analyze the level of sensation and thermal acceptance that users had in sports spaces, likewise, with the publication of the study, society, and municipal organizations are informed about the most relevant findings that can be used for the improvement and maintenance of these vital spaces for the human being.


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How to Cite

del Campo Saray, F. J. M., de Loera Cortés, A. F., Pérez Jiménez, J. E. ., & Bojórquez Morales, G. . (2022). Sensation and thermal acceptance of users in sports spaces with transition period in warm semi-dry climate. Torreon Universitario Magazine, 11(32).



Engineering, Industry and Construction