Multifunctional furniture design for low-income housing in Autlan, Jalisco, Mexico




Accessibility, Multifunctional furniture, Lowincome housing, Ergonomics, Anthropometry


Due to their dimensions and design, low-income housing presents deficiencies in space optimization; and by integrating common furniture, it does not adapt adequately to the areas assigned for its use. The objective of the study was to optimize the furniture for social housing in Autlan, Jalisco, Mexico. The research method was descriptive, correlational, purposeful and field. Three representative colonies from Autlan (Infonavit, Villas Taurinas and Valle del Vergel) were taken for sampling. These colonies are characterized by having small living spaces. A total of 150 questionnaires were made with answers by category and multiple choice, in addition, variables of the questionnaire

used were analyzed and the most demanded modular design proposal for multifunctional furniture was elaborated, based on the preference of inhabitants of living spaces. With regard to reasons for preference of furniture by inhabitants of the study area, the aspect that they referred to with greater relevance was; comfort followed by spatial function. Concerning the reason for the placement of furniture by those interviewed, the first factor was the adequacy of space, followed by the factor of comfort, storage and finally functionality. This research contributed to the economic-social factor of the population studied.


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Figuras 1, 2 y 3: Adaptado de Google Earth, 2020 (



Figuras 4 a 10: Autores, 2020.



How to Cite

Reyes Mendoza, M. A., Del Campo Saray, F. J. M., & Horta, J. M. (2023). Multifunctional furniture design for low-income housing in Autlan, Jalisco, Mexico. Torreon Universitario Magazine, 12(34), 127–139.



Engineering, Industry and Construction

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