Employment situation of the graduates of the headquarters of the Bluefields Indian & Caribbean University (BICU)





Higher education, Graduate, Strategies, Employment situation


Higher education, as a service provided by HEIs, is essential for the specialization of knowledge and the development of a country. The theme that is developed in this research is aimed at contextualizing the situation of BICU graduates at the academic level of the regular shift at its headquarters, taking into account four aspects: general data, academic profile, assessment of teaching and situation labor. The development of the research was carried out according to the qualitative approach, considering the period 2015-2020 and taking into account 190 graduates from 11 careers. In the results, recommendations are presented for the follow-up of the graduates of the university, such as: creating a follow-up system for graduates that allows having structured, continuous, reliable and detailed information on the academic and work performance of these and create an institutional monitoring policy that is executed through an office attached to the Office of the Academic Vice-Rector. The most important conclusion is that 63.7% of the graduates and graduates in the 2015-2020 period, of the regular modality, academic degree level, are working and that 36.3% are unemployed, expressing a quite positive relationship.


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How to Cite

Chavarría Gómez, T. L., & Flores Pacheco, J. A. (2023). Employment situation of the graduates of the headquarters of the Bluefields Indian & Caribbean University (BICU). Torreon Universitario Magazine, 12(35), 51–64. https://doi.org/10.5377/rtu.v12i35.17001



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