Evidence-based psychotherapeutic approach to Borderline Personality Disorder: Transference Focused Therapy
Borderline Personality Disorder, Transference-Focused Psychotherapy, Psychodynamic psychotherapyAbstract
Borderline Personality Disorder consists in a pattern of instability in interpersonal relationships, identity, affectivity, and impulsivity in various areas, which begins in early adulthood. In the treatment of this personality disorder, Transference-Focused Psychotherapy (TFP) is one of the main forms of contemporary psychotherapeutic approach and with empirical evidence. It is a psychodynamic therapy that focuses on improving patients' understanding of their unconscious motives and feelings that cause symptoms, and aims to expose and resolve intra-psychic conflicts. In structural terms, TFP has the general objective that the patient manages to function at a neurotic level of personality organization (NPO), with preserved reality testing, the predominance of defensive operations around repression, and an integrated identity, developing coherent and three-dimensional representations of oneself and of others, which would manifest itself in the reduction of symptoms, identity integration and reintegration into intimate relationships.
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