Analysis of the proximal composition and insecticidal potential of the soursop seed (Annona muricata L.) for the control of the corn cogollero worm (Spodoptera frugiperda J. E. Smith)


  • María Guerra Blandino National Autonomous University of Nicaragua, Managua. Biotechnology Laboratory
  • José Poveda Suárez National Autonomous University of Nicaragua, Managua. Biotechnology Laboratory
  • Samantha Miranda Calero National Autonomous University of Nicaragua, Managua. Biotechnology Laboratory
  • Ena Rivers Carcache National Autonomous University of Nicaragua, Managua. Biotechnology Laboratory
  • Juan Ruíz Urbina National Autonomous University of Nicaragua, Managua. Biotechnology Laboratory
  • Martha Lacayo Romero National Autonomous University of Nicaragua, Managua. Biotechnology Laboratory
  • Fátima Bolaños Ortega Nicaraguan Institute of Agricultural Technology (NIAT)
  • Henry Pedroza Chamorro Nicaraguan Institute of Agricultural Technology (NIAT)



Annona muricata L., insecticide potential, soursop, proximate composition, Spodoptera frugiperda


Soursop (Annona muricata L.) is a tropical species with a growing global interest due to its multiple properties, and its applications in health and agriculture fields. In order to contribute with the knowledge of the available acquis and promote its use to solve national problems, this research analyzed the proximal composition and the insecticidal potential of soursop seeds on the  cogollero worm (Spodoptera frugiperda JE Smith), a Lepidoptera that threatens corn crops, one of the most important crops in the country. This research includes fruits available in the local market and classified according to international morphological markers. Proximal composition of seed meal samples was determined using the Association of Official Analytical Chemists (AOAC) methodologies, obtaining as a result: 4.29% moisture, 95.71% dry matter, 1.34% ash, 31.14% ethereal extract, 2.59% nitrogen, and 16.19% protein. To determine the insecticidal potential a bioassay was performed (48 hours) where the effect of complete seed and endosperm extracts obtained by Soxhlet extraction method were evaluated on the third larval stage of cogollero worm specimens reared in the laboratory from its hatching. The extracts were applied to the food (corn leaves) at five concentrations between 0.70 – 25.00%. The lethal concentration 50 (LC50) was 2.13% for endosperm extract and 1.85% for complete seed extract.


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How to Cite

Guerra Blandino, M., Poveda Suárez, J., Miranda Calero, S., Rivers Carcache, E., Ruíz Urbina, J., Lacayo Romero, M., Bolaños Ortega, F., & Pedroza Chamorro, H. (2020). Analysis of the proximal composition and insecticidal potential of the soursop seed (Annona muricata L.) for the control of the corn cogollero worm (Spodoptera frugiperda J. E. Smith). Torreon Universitario Magazine, 9(24), 27–44.




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