Evaluation of the Sovereignty and Food and Nutrition Security of families in the rural communities of La Concepción municipality, department of Masaya in the period from May to December of the year 2015


  • Rubén Ismael Rivera Vásquez National Autonomous University of Nicaragua, Managua. Faculty of Science and Engineering
  • Manuel Enrique Pedroza Pacheco National Autonomous University of Nicaragua, Managua. Faculty of Medical Sciences




analysis of variance, consumption, Pearson's correlation, income, production


To evaluate Food and Nutritional Sovereignty and Security in the rural communities of the Municipality of La Concepción, a descriptive, correlational and analytical, prospective and transversal research was carried out. From the results obtained, it was concluded that: 1) The main socioeconomic characteristics under study: in the heads of households, the male sex stands out with 58.13%, with a low level of schooling with 36.9% in primary education. 90% of them have active employment, although with low incomes of C$ 4,346.38 per month. 2) The main associations between the variables of production, income, and consumption, occur between consumption of basic grains and the number of people in the household, it was demonstrated a significant correlation between the number of people in the household and the consumption of rice, beans, sugar, oil, eggs, onion, potatoes, green banana. 3) A low positive, but significant, the correlation was established between the production and consumption of red beans. 4) The ANOVA between production and income variables showed significant differences. The ANOVA on citrus production for the different communities did not show significant differences. 5) The MANOVA for the consumption pattern carbohydrate showed that consumption between rural communities has significant differences, with a p = 0.022. For the protein consumption pattern, the MANOVA showed that consumption between rural communities has no significant differences with a p = 0.209.


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How to Cite

Rivera Vásquez, R. I., & Pedroza Pacheco, M. E. (2020). Evaluation of the Sovereignty and Food and Nutrition Security of families in the rural communities of La Concepción municipality, department of Masaya in the period from May to December of the year 2015. Torreon Universitario Magazine, 9(24), 69–83. https://doi.org/10.5377/torreon.v9i24.9725

