About the Journal

Aims and scope

Paradigma, revista de investigación educativa, is a publication that began under the responsibility of the Research Directorate, today converted into the Institute for Educational and Social Research and Evaluation, of the Francisco Morazán National Pedagogical University.

Paradigma, was born with the purpose of raising awareness about the importance of scientific dissemination, to express scientific thought in a very clear way and to offer readers significant contributions from research carried out in the field of education. The objective of Paradigma is to promote the exchange of information about empirical research of a social nature, specifically educational. Only original and unpublished academic contributions are received for publication.

Editorial Policy

Paradigma complies with the following editorial policies:

  1. Assignment of Copyright (copyright)
  • The authors, when sending the work, state that they assign to the Francisco Morazán National Pedagogical University the patrimonial rights that correspond to them as the author of their work.
  • The rights assigned here include all economic rights (Reproduction, transformation, public communication and distribution) and are given without any limitation in terms of territory. This Assignment is given for the entire term of duration established in the legislation in force in Honduras.
  • The transfer of the aforementioned rights does not imply the transfer of moral rights over it, because in accordance with the provisions of the Law on Copyright and Related Rights, Chapter II, of Moral Rights, Article 34, Article 25, these rights are inalienable, imprescriptible, unattachable and inalienable.
  • The research work or document must be original and have been carried out without violating or usurping the rights of third parties, therefore, the work is of exclusive authorship and owns it.
  • In the event of any claim or action by a third party regarding copyright over the work in question, the author must assume full responsibility for the rights assigned.
  • By completing the Transfer of Rights Form, the author states that the work has not been published in another medium, that the rights to the work have not been assigned and that no tax or limitation on its use or utilization weighs on them.
  • The comments and judgments written by the authors of the articles are entirely their responsibility and at no time do they commit the UPNFM, or the publishing entities of the Institution.
  1. Methodology of Evaluation / Review of Articles. Double Blind Peer Review

In the process of selecting articles for publication, an initial evaluation is carried out by the Editorial Team to determine if the manuscript complies with the terms and observations presented in these guidelines, regarding the relevance of the journal's focus area, style and extension:

  • Articles that do not meet the requirements of the call in terms of format, will not be taken into account for publication and will be returned to the author to make the suggested modifications.

  • In the second review, an opinion is made of its scientific content and contribution by qualified Peer Reviewers according to the corresponding area. This opinion process is "double-blind" and its aim is to hide the identity of the Authors and Peer Reviewers in the arbitration process, thus contributing to the objective evaluation.

  • The Editorial Team will send a note to the author, accepting or rejecting the research work or document, with the Editorial Team's observations for improvement according to the opinion of the academic referee.

  1. Accessibility to published content. CC BY-NC-ND
  • Paradigma Magazine uses Creative Commons License, Attribution-Non-Commercial-No Derivative Work, CCBY-NC-ND, which allows its readers to download the works and share them with others; as long as authorship is acknowledged, without changing the contents in any way and without using them for non-academic purposes. Due to a technical mistake, for issues before the 48 (included), the embedded license on the articles links to CC-BY and not to CC-BY-NC-ND. 

  1. Anti plagiarism policy. Turnitin
  • The research work or document must be unpublished and have been carried out without violating or usurping the rights of third parties, therefore, the work sent to Paradigma will be of original creation.

  • In the event of any claim or action by a third party regarding copyright over the work in question, the author must assume full responsibility for the rights in question.

  • The editorial board will permanently submit each contribution to the plagiarism detection process to guarantee and promote ethics in scientific publication.

  1. Gratuity policy. Without APCs
  • The Paradigma journal never makes (read during the reception, evaluation, edition and publication) monetary or other charges to the authors who send their work in the Call to be published in it.

  • The Paradigma journal does not have an exemption policy because the spirit of it is the dissemination of knowledge free of charge for authors from all countries of the world.

         6. Location of work. DOI

  • The Paradigma Journal identifies its articles with a DOI, Digital Object Identifier, to facilitate the location and reference of the manuscript and in turn guarantee the transparency of the document in the different virtual sites OJS, LatinREV and AmeliCA, among others.

  1. Errata. Erratum
  • Paradigma will make the corresponding corrections visible, prior to analyzing the document, in the same number, if the information services where the electronic version was published allow it.
  • In the printed version, the Editorial Team will attach a letterhead with the corresponding corrections.
  1. Open access policy. Open Access OA
  • Paradigma journal provides the public with free, immediate and free access to its contents, which encourages a greater exchange of global knowledge. Paradigma is an active member of AmeliCA, a signatory of DORA and is indexed at the Directory level in Latindex.

Universidad Pedagógica Nacional Francisco Morazán

Instituto de Investigación y Evaluación Educativas y Sociales (INIEES).

Edificio 14º, 4º Piso, Biblioteca Central.

Tel. (504)2239-8037 2239-8809 Extensión, 126, Apartado Postal: 3394.

Tegucigalpa, M.D.C. Honduras, C.A