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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • La petición no ha sido publicada previamente, ni se ha presentado a otra revista (o se ha proporcionado una explicación en Comentarios al editor).
  • El fichero enviado está en formato OpenOffice, Microsoft Word, RTF, o WordPerfect.
  • Se han añadido direcciones web para las referencias donde ha sido posible.
  • El texto tiene interlineado simple; el tamaño de fuente es 12 puntos; se usa cursiva en vez de subrayado (exceptuando las direcciones URL); y todas las ilustraciones, figuras y tablas están dentro del texto en el sitio que les corresponde y no al final del todo.
  • El texto cumple con los requisitos bibliográficos y de estilo indicados en las Normas para autoras/es, que se pueden encontrar en Acerca de la revista.
  • Si esta enviando a una sección de la revista que se revisa por pares, tiene que asegurase que las instrucciones en Asegurando de una revisión a ciegas) han sido seguidas.

Author Guidelines

Document title
The title of the article must clearly express the theme and be consistent with the general content and must not exceed 20 words, it goes without bold and only the first letter in capital letters. It must be written in Spanish and English (they are also accepted in Portuguese).

General format of the text
The text should be written taking into consideration the following rules:

  • 25 pages maximum on letter-sized paper, margins of 2.5 on all four sides, written at 1.5 with Palatino Linotype font of 12 points, in Word format.
  • The extension of the work will be 7,000 words maximum.
  • The paragraphs should not be indented.
  • The heading of each section, such as Introduction, should appear in upper case and bold, only the first letter of each word, aligned to the left, without end point.
  • Do not list any of the headings.
  • Other headers will be italicized, capitals only the first letter of the first word, without end point.
  • The work must go with the page number listed in the lower part on the right.
  • Figures and tables should be titled and listed according to APA 6 standards.
  • The use of colour is allowed and recommended, the photographs must include the information provided and have a caption. Photographs must be included in the original jpg format.


  • Complete names of the authors; each name separated by commas.
  • Affiliation (institution of origin) of each of the authors, separated by commas.
  • Address email of each of the authors, separated by commas.
  • Code ORCID. If you do not have the same, you can create your profile at the following link
  • Acknowledgments: If the research has been developed with financial support or in agreement, the financing entity should be written below the title of the research.

It must describe clearly, briefly and precisely the purpose of the study, the methodology used, the most relevant results. It will consist of a single paragraph, without bleeding and will contain a maximum of 150 words.

The abstract of the article is written in English and must describe clearly, briefly and precisely the purpose of the study, the methodology used, the most relevant results. It will consist of a single paragraph, without bleeding and will contain a maximum of 150 words.

The keywords or descriptors of the article should be directly related to the subject of the study. They should be written in lowercase and separated by commas, italics, without bold and without endpoint. They will be at least 4 words and 6 maximum. They must also be written in English.

The introduction specifies the importance of the subject and its conceptual antecedents. Specifically, write in such a way that the reader can clearly identify the problem studied and make a balanced compendium of the main research, novel and relevant carried out around his research topic. Please do not refer to the methodology in this section.

Methods and Materials
This section refers to the research methodology, therefore, if the article is the product of a quantitative investigation, it should consider the following aspects:

  • Design: describe the type of experiment (randomized, controlled, cases and controls)
  • The population and sample: describe the framework of each of them, and express how their selection has been made.>
  • The environment: describe where the study was conducted.
  • The experiments: describe the techniques, measurements and units, pilot tests and applied technologies, etc.>
  • >Statistical analysis: describe the statistical methods used, and how the data has been analyzed.

If on the contrary, the article is the product of a qualitative research, it should emphasize in the following aspects:

  • The design used.
  • The categories of analysis.
  • <Participants.
  • The method used.
  • The techniques and instruments for gathering information.

Theoretical Discussion
The theoretical foundation or theoretical discussion of the article, must describe in a logical, accurate and understandable, relevant concepts and theories and updated on the subject under study. It must contain quotations from authors (textual and/or paraphrased) with their respective reference based on the APA standards 6. If the authors are not quoted and/or referenced, the article will not be considered, since it will be taken as plagiarism; INIEES and the Paradigma Journal have clearly defined their ethics policies in relation to this situation.

This section describes in a logical, precise, complete and comprehensible way the results or the analysis of study data, which must be consistent with the methodology and objectives expressed in the previous sections. It must include graphs, tables, charts, maps or other figures that, by themselves, clearly express the results of the study. This section should be written with verbs in the past tense.

The conclusions expressed in the article are included in the text and must respond to the hypotheses proposed in the case of quantitative research, and to the objectives and/or questions the case of qualitative research; In addition, they must respond to the objectives and questions of the study in a logical, precise and understandable manner. They should be written with verbs in the present tense.

The recommendations are optional; they must describe precise actions related to the results of the study. Pay special attention not to present the same as conclusions and vice versa. 

In this section all the bibliographic sources cited in the article are presented, which should appear at the end of your document, indented with French indentation and 1.5 of space.

The maximum number of references that the article will contain will be 25. The sources consulted and cited can be printed and digital; they must be ordered by the author from the time he makes his first submission according to the rules of: APA (2010). Publication Manual (6th ed.). Washington, DC: American Psychological Association. [Translation into Spanish: APA (2010). Publications Manual (3rd ed.). Mexico: Modern Manual.]

Evaluation Methodology and Article Arbitration (Peer-Review)

In the process of selecting articles to publish, an initial evaluation of the Editorial Board is carried out to determine if the work complies with the terms and observations presented in this document, as to the relevance of the area of focus of the journal, style and extension.

  • Items that do not meet the requirements of the call in terms of format, will not be taken into account for publication and will be returned to the author to make the suggested changes.
  • In the second review, an opinion is issued on its scientific content and input from Qualified Peer Reviewers according to the corresponding area. This opinion process is of a "double blind" modality and what it tries to do is hide the identity of the Authors and Peer Reviewers in the arbitration process, thus contributing to the objective evaluation.
  • The Editorial Board will send a note to the author, accepting or rejecting the research work or document, with the improvement observations of the Editorial Board as the case may be.
  • The comments and judgments written by the authors of the articles are entirely responsibility and never compromise the UPNFM, or the publishing entities of the Institution.

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The journal Paradigma uses a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License CC BY-NC-ND, (which allows its readers to download the works and share them with others, as long as the authorship is recognized, without changing the contents in any way and without using them commercially).

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Los nombres y direcciones de correo-e introducidos en esta revista se usarán exclusivamente para los fines declarados por esta revista y no estarán disponibles para ningún otro propósito u otra persona.