Teaching from the Complex Thinking Approach to Scale the Mastery of Competencies in Geometry and Trigonometry





mathematical competencies, didactic planning, teaching strategy, complex thinking, Higher Secondary Education


The results derived from the National Plan for the Evaluation of Learning (PLANEA) in 2017 show that students of Higher Secondary Education (EMS) in Mexico have insufficient knowledge of the key learning included in the curricular references in the field of Geometry and Trigonometry (GyT). In order to address this problem, research was carried out with high school students, starting from the premise that the type of teaching strategies is relevant in the achievement of competencies. The objective of the research was to identify the relationship between teaching from a Complex Thinking (CP) approach and the improvement in the achievement of learning competencies in GyT, in topics of flat figures and solids. The research had a mixed approach, with a descriptive and correlational scope. After designing and implementing teaching strategies with a focus on the PC and applying the different evaluation instruments, the results demonstrated that there is no correlation between teaching based on the PC and the mastery of competencies, that the improvement in the learning achieved by the 39 students in the study group respond to knowledge-focused and directed teaching strategies more than those based on PC.


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Author Biography

Angélica González Morales, Colegio de Estudios Científicos y Tecnológicos del Estado de Hidalgo (CECyTEH)

Profesional en Enfermería General y Licenciada en Administración y Gestión Empresarial. Docente desde el año 2015 en Educación Media Superior, impartiendo asignaturas del módulo profesional en la carrera de Procesos de Gestión Administrativa, especializada en asignaturas de matemáticas de Bachillerato Tecnológico: álgebra, geometría y trigonometría, geometría analítica, cálculo integral, cálculo diferencial, probabilidad, estadística y pensamiento matemático. Actualmente, estudia la Maestría en Gestión e Innovación Educativa en la Universidad Politécnica de Tulancingo Hidalgo.



How to Cite

González Morales, A. (2023). Teaching from the Complex Thinking Approach to Scale the Mastery of Competencies in Geometry and Trigonometry. Paradigma: Revista De Investigación Educativa, 30(50), 181–202. https://doi.org/10.5377/paradigma.v30i50.17098


