Dietary habits, obesity and university life for nurse undergraduates
diet habits, nursing students, nutritionResumo
Health behavior of nursing students is often inadequate in terms of dietary, physical activity, smoking and alcohol drinking habits. The main aim of this position paper is to explore dietary habits, obesity and university life on nurse undergraduates. This critical review covers three distinct dimensions of student life as related to nursing studies, i.e. the eating and lifestyle behaviors of nursing students; the transitional period and risk of gain weight; students’ national origin and eating behaviors.
Obesity is increasing not only in the western world but in developing countries as well. University life is a transitional period where risk of weight gain is increased. Often, stress may lead students to ‘binge’ eating and weight problems. In terms of students’ national origin and eating behavior, dietary choices for nurse students are multifaceted, as their cultural backgrounds may be. Nurses, amongst other healthcare professionals, encounter barriers to positive lifestyles and healthy eating just as many of their patients do. Moreover, as healthcare professionals are regarded as potential health promoters, their own health behavior represents an important key clinical and educational function.
Yet, nutritional knowledge is not easy to apply as there is so much misinformation readily available both online and elsewhere.
Given the highly stressful conditions associated with their profession, nurses also need to care for their own health. Thus there is a need for designing educational programs for current nursing curricula to encourage healthy lifestyles which include coping with stress, increased physical activity, healthy food and drink choices.
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