Production of melon (Cucumis melo L.) Cantaloupe in greenhouse: correlation between planting density and yield variables


  • Jorge Manuel Díaz Alvarado Costa Rica university
  • José Eladio Monge Pérez college from Costa Rica
  • Michelle Loría Coto Costa Rica university



Number of fruits per square meter, Pearson Correlation, linear regression, total soluble solids


Pearson correlations were established in Cantaloupe melon produced under a greenhouse, managed with three types of pruning (one stem; two stems; no pruning), between planting density and the following variables: age at the beginning of harvest, fruit weight, number of fruits per plant and per square meter; yield per plant and per area, firmness of the fruit pulp, and percentage of total soluble solids. The crop was managed with fertigation in coconut fiber substrate. For the three types of pruning, the only Pearson correlation that had statistical significance (p ≤ 0.05) was between the sowing density and the percentage of total soluble solids (r = –0.75 **), in which case the regression was obtained linear. For the treatments without pruning and with two-stem pruning, significant correlations were also obtained between planting density and total number of fruits per square meter (r = 0.59 * and 0.73 **); total yield (r = 0.63 * and 0.75 **); and commercial yield (r = 0.57 * and 0.71 **). For the treatment without pruning, a significant correlation was obtained between the planting density and the number of commercial fruits per square meter (r = 0.67 *). It is concluded that, in Cantaloupe melon managed without pruning, the use of a higher planting density caused an increase in the number of fruits (total and commercial) per area, and in the total and commercial yield, although the percentage of total soluble solids 


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Author Biographies

Jorge Manuel Díaz Alvarado, Costa Rica university

Bachelor of Agronomy

José Eladio Monge Pérez, college from Costa Rica

Master in Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources, researcher

Michelle Loría Coto, Costa Rica university

Master in Educational Administration, researcher



How to Cite

Díaz Alvarado, J. M., Monge Pérez, J. E., & Loría Coto, M. (2021). Production of melon (Cucumis melo L.) Cantaloupe in greenhouse: correlation between planting density and yield variables. Producción Agropecuaria Y Desarrollo Sostenible, 9, 27–46.


