Diversity of the aquatic macroinvertebrates community in the Juan López River, Atlántida (Honduras) during the dry season


  • Jesús Rodríguez Matute Departamento de Suelos, CURLA (UNAH). La Ceiba, Atlántida (Honduras).
  • Francisco Picado Pavó Centro para la Investigación de Recursos Acuáticos de Nicaragua, UNAN-Managua, Managua (Nicaragua)




benthic macroinvertebrates, relative abundance, physicochemical parameters, organic matter, fine particles, substrate


During the dry season of 2016, on the Juan López River in El Porvenir (Atlántida), the diversity of the benthic macroinvertebrate community in a transect of the lower basin was evaluated using ecological indexes, some physicochemical parameters and the composition of the substrate in the sediment of the river. Composite sediment samples were extracted at 5 sites with the help of a dredge and quantified and identified. A total of 9.457 ind.m-2 belonging to the macroinvertebrate community distributed in 4 phylum, 9 classes, 19 orders and 27 families were found. The site of the river closest to the coastal zone had the highest density of organisms in all taxonomic categories. The phylum arthropoda represented 75.94 % relative abundance, the insecta class 34.46 % relative abundance, diptera order with 34.30 % relative abundance and the Chironomidae family with 35.35 %. The content of fine particles in the sediment is generally high, and the textures that predominate in the sediment sections evaluated were between silt and silt, probably due to erosion and sedimentation processes in the basin caused by agri- cultural activity. The organisms identified with the greatest presence are the most resistant and oppor- tunistic to these processes. In sites with lower organic matter content and higher fine particle content they had smaller differences in diversity (H') and maximum diversity (Hmax).


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2023-05-12 — Updated on 2023-06-07


How to Cite

Rodríguez Matute, J. ., & Picado Pavó, F. (2023). Diversity of the aquatic macroinvertebrates community in the Juan López River, Atlántida (Honduras) during the dry season. Portal De La Ciencia, 1(17), 7–19. https://doi.org/10.5377/pc.v1i17.16067 (Original work published May 12, 2023)