Analysis of the nutrition career curriculum of the National Autonomous University of Honduras, 2017
curriculum, plan of study, nutrition, diagnosis, institutional regulations, needs felt, occupational demand, professional contributionAbstract
The objective of this study was to analyze the real situation of the curriculum developed by authorities, teachers and students of the Nutrition career of the National Autonomous University of Honduras (UNAH) and the contribution of graduates in meeting the food and nutrition needs of Honduran society in the third academic period of the year 2017. The methodology used is a non-experimental design, with a mixed approach. With descriptive and transactional scope, that has a more precise perspective of the curriculum. In the quantitative aspect, a questionnaire was applied to 498 students enrolled in the third academic period 2017, interviews to 13 graduates and 13 employers of these professionals. For the qualitative aspect it has been developed in three analysis and evaluation workshops with purposes and authority with the purpose of characterizing the present and future occupational demand in the field of nutrition of the country and the analysis of the study plan was carried out through a content analysis matrix. In the results and from the perspective of the authorities, teachers and content analysis, the curriculum is congruent with the new educational model and Academic Standards of the UNAH; nevertheless, its development presents capacities in the academic, administrative and physical infrastructure aspects. The specific training area has little relevance, coherence, quality and functionality according to the demand. For employers, the contribution of graduates is acceptable according to the skills demonstrated in the performance of their work.
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