Distribution of the family Cactaceae Jussieu in Honduras using herbarium material
cactus, biological collections, Comayagua, RhipsalisAbstract
The distribution of the Cactaceae family in Honduras was documented. A file with 285 bibliographic records and herbarium specimens was generated, which allowed us to recognize 40 species of cacti (including infraspecific taxa) distributed in 17 of the 18 departments of Honduras were quantified. The Opuntia genus is the most diverse with 8 species and the species with the highest number of collections in the Honduran territory is Rhipsalis baccifera. The area with the greatest presence of collections is located in the valleys of the central zone of the country between the departments of Comayagua, Francisco Morazán and El Paraíso. This analysis reveals the importance of the information provided by biological collections to carry out studies on the distribution of species. However, it is necessary to support this work with field studies to assess the current situation of the populations and to show other distribution points, since the preferred habitats of cacti in Honduras are threatened by agricultural activities and urban development.
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