Comparison of controlled pollination and natural pollination methods in Persea Americana Mill (Lauraceae)
reproductive success, avocado, Anartia fatima fatima, Amazilia rutilia, Trigona fulviventrisAbstract
Persea americana Mill. has a unique synchronous dicogamy breeding system that promotes reproduction. In this work, a comparison of different methods was made to improve controlled pollination to achieve successful fruiting. This consisted of 1. Male flowers collected when all the anthers have dehisced and the pollen has been transferred by direct contact of the anthers with the stigma during the female stage. 2. Pollen transferred by means of the use of a brush putting the pollen in contact with the stigma always in the female stage. Additionally, records of floral visitors were made for natural or open pollination. It was concluded that to achieve a successful fruiting in crosses between floral groups, the male flowers must be collected in the dehiscence of the anthers and the pollen must be transferred by direct contact of the anthers with the stigma of the functionally female flowers. The results obtained are useful to optimize controlled pollinations in P. americana and can help to increase fruit production at a commercial level.
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