Anatomy of the vegetative and reproductive organs and Crescentia Crescentia alata cujete (Bignoniaceae)
Crescentia, anatomy, nectaries, extrafloral, floral, pollenAbstract
Crescentia is a genus that inhabits in dry forests, and Central America the species are considered to have great economic importance. The taxonomic separation of C. alata and C. cujete has been much debated, since both species are closely related. The aim of this study was to determine the vegetative and reproductive anatomy of C. alata and C. cujete. Among the anatomical characteristics observed in both species, are: the presence of periderm and pith with secondary phloem fibers in stems; the leaf has extrafloral nectaries, and in the midrib possess dorsiventral mesophyll with palisade parenchyma and lacune tissue also the vascular cylinder has periphloematics fibers; petals and sepals possess many accumulations of pigment and abundant glandular hairs, floral nectaries and pollen has colpate ornamentation; and the seed has a large amount of endosperm and aleurone layer. In conclusion, both species have similar anatomical characteristics; however, the pollen grains ornamentation is different between the two species in particular, the number of colpus or apertures.
Revista Portal de la Ciencia, No. 6, julio 2014: 27-36
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