Type text or a website address or translate a document. Phytochemical analysis of leaves of Cordia stellifera used as an antidote to snake bite in the community Lancetilla
Cordia stellifera, snakebite, phytochemical analysisAbstract
By means of an etnobotanical study, realized in the community of Lancetilla, the species Cordia stellifera, commonly known as "Sombra de ternero" (calf shadow) was identified as being used by the population of the community to treat the effects of snakebite, by topical use, forming a paste from the leaves and applying it directly over the affected area in the form of a plaster.
The aim of this phytochemical study is to identify the presence/absence of the principal secondary metabolites and in this way, to provide new chemical data that will demonstrate the antiofidic use reported by the community, taking into consideration that national statistics indicate that the department of Atlantida annually reports an elevated number of cases of snakebite. The present study indicated the presence of flavonoids, coumarins, tannins and cianogenetic glycosides in the leaves of Cordia stellifera. There are previous reports that some flavonoids, coumarins and tannins present antiofidic activity which could justify the etnobotanic use that the community gives to this plan.
DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.5377/pc.v6i0.1841
Revista Portal de la Ciencia, No. 6, julio 2014: 44-53
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