Identification of secondary metabolites present in fresh fruits of Cordia dentata Boraginaceae
tigüilote, Cordia stellifera, secondary metabolite, phytochemical analysisAbstract
In the present study we are identifying the secondary metabolite families present in Cordia dentata Borginacae, commonly known as Tigüilote.
C. dentata was selected by means of etnobotanic surveys taken among the residents of Nacome Valley, who reported the use of the fruit of the plant to treat cough and fever. An analysis protocol was performed to identify the metabolitic families present in the fresh fruits of this species for the purpose of providing chemical data that will demonstrate the value of the traditional use the community gives to this plant. By means of this study, the presence of tannins, alkaloides, coumarins and cianogenetic glycosides was demonstrated in the fruits of Tigüilote. These secondary metabolites that could be responsible for the antipuretic and antitusive activity reported for this taxon. We consider that this type of study, that validates the traditional uses of medicinal plants to be important, given that, in recent years, the need to recur to alternative treatments for different diseases has become evident due to the high cost of pharmaceutical products.
Revista Portal de la Ciencia, No. 6, julio 2014: 54-61
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