Exercise of suffrage: Factors that determine university students
exercise of suffrage, university students, interest in politics, knowledge of proposals, civic duty, conviction, fear of other use the own vote, convenience, tradition, party loyalty, polarityAbstract
The elections, in politics, are a peak moment for democracy. Following this statement, the purpose of the study was to describe the demographic, political and psychological factors of university students, and know how they determine them exercise of suffrage. Being important for the significant of the participation of this population in the election of political representatives of the country.
The approach is of mixed type; in the quantitative were used the descriptive and correlational designs; while in the qualitative were used the systematic design. Was performed by taking a sample of 397 students in UNAH-CU, with a confidence level of 95%. It found that two thirds of college students vote regularly. Age, academic level, interest in politics and knowledge of the proposals, are related to the frequency vote.
Their main reasons to vote are civic duty, conviction and fear to use the vote. In contrast, think that other people vote for convenience, and party loyalty; displacing them, negatives aspects about responsibility for choosing a bad candidate. Of verbalizations obtained, stands out as the main desired characteristic for a political candidate, trustworthiness / honesty.
On exploration of the polarity, it found that there is no relationship between political ideology expressed and latent political ideology, which means that despite many followers considered them, part of an ideological stance, they think and act contrary to the same.
DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.5377/pc.v6i0.1844
Revista Portal de la Ciencia, No. 6, julio 2014: 71-90
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