Detection of sexually transmitted infections and cervical cancer CESAMO Las Palmas, San Pedro Sula
vaginal cytology, sexually transmitted infections, uterine cervical cancerAbstract
In the CESAMO Las Palmas approximately 100 patients daily demand the attention, identifying the need to increase Pap smear for the detection of sexually transmitted infections and uterine cancer Matterhorn. In this CESAMO programed evaluations, the health situation analysis indicate low uptake and implementation, although the achieved data has 35% coverage of the semester. Research in vaginal cytology has begun, showing the following factors in women: lack of self-care, lack of outreach and education, overpriced tests.
In accordance with the findings and analysis of this research we announce that 52% of women of childbearing age have not performed vaginal cytology; 41% based on complete primary schooling and 29% do not know its importance. There was a significant increase of 225 cytology tests in the months of February to May 2011, obtaining 199 lab results described as follows: only 1 with squamous cell carcinoma, 20 cervicitis results from sexually transmitted infections, 36 trichomoniasis results, 4 candida albicans results and 138 normal results. This achievement was obtained through the education management uptake in childbearing age women, thus seeking to lower the cost to Lps. 20.00 and free tests on Wednesday of each week.
Revista Portal de la Ciencia, No. 5, diciembre 2013: 21-25
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