Prevalence of energy drinks exam period in dental students. Study in the UNAH-VS, in the second half of 2013


  • Ariana Iveth Saavendra Estudiante, Facultad de Odontología, Carrera de Odontología, UNAH-VS
  • Carmen Issamara Mejía Estudiante, Facultad de Odontología, Carrera de Odontología, UNAH-VS
  • Teresa Beatriz Alvarado Estudiante, Facultad de Odontología, Carrera de Odontología, UNAH-VS
  • Vivian Sarahí Martínez Estudiante, Facultad de Odontología, Carrera de Odontología, UNAH-VS
  • Yeselin Gabriela Cardoza Estudiante, Facultad de Odontología, Carrera de Odontología, UNAH-VS
  • Karla Maytee Orellana Estudiante, Facultad de Odontología, Carrera de Odontología, UNAH-VS
  • Karla Rápalo Asesora, catedrática de Metodología de la Investigación, Carrera de Odontología, UNAH-VS



Prevalence, consumption, Energy Drinks


Today advertising has a huge impact on society, the more publicity that is given to a product, the higher chance it will have of being purchased; however the side effects that certain substances may have when consumed irresponsibly are not advertised. An example of this is the purchase of Energy Drinks, which have become increasingly popular in the student population, especially during exam periods. Under this circumstances, the following article summarizes the main findings from the research: ‘'Prevalence of Energy Drinks consumed by dental students, especially in the examination period in 2013”.'

This research is described as “quantitative” and “descriptive” due to its purposes. A sample of 150 students studying dentistry was considered. They were picked randomly, from different ages and different stages in their career, in response to the closed structured questionnaire that was applied as instrument. The final results proved that energy drinks were consumed by dental students in 76% of the samples taken, only 74.7% of them were aware of the risks those drinks have in their bodies. It is a fact that during exam periods, most dental students will consume energy drinks.


Revista Portal de la Ciencia, No. 5, diciembre 2013: 32-41


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How to Cite

Saavendra, A. I., Mejía, C. I., Alvarado, T. B., Martínez, V. S., Cardoza, Y. G., Orellana, K. M., & Rápalo, K. (2015). Prevalence of energy drinks exam period in dental students. Study in the UNAH-VS, in the second half of 2013. Portal De La Ciencia, 5, 32–41.



Area Life Sciences and Health