Honduran payment procedure from the European comparative procedural law. Constitutional guarantee of the right to defense
Litigation, Comparative Law, Monitoring process, Right to Defense, Spanish Civil Procedure Law, Honduran Civil Procedure Code, German Civil Procedure Code, Italian Civil Procedure Code, French Civil Procedure CodeAbstract
The aim of this thesis project is to create a reference tool, to provide a better understanding on a new procedure for claiming pecuniary claims of European origin adapted to Honduran Civil Procedure Code, the Monitoring process, whose sources are obtained by studying the European Compared Litigation in relation to Honduras. Specifically the study of law as the German, Spanish, French and Italian as in these countries was where this mechanism emerged and where it has evolved to the point that several countries of the world have adopted it for their effectiveness. In turn determine, if through the execution derived from the inaction of the debtor are violate the procedural guarantees of same. This research is historical and documentary type, involves knowing the historical and doctrinal aspects of the Monitoring process through documentary review of resolutions, European civil procedure codes, applicable substantive law, legal periodicals, treatises, law books, and other written and recorded documents that are useful.
DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.5377/pc.v5i0.1853
Revista Portal de la Ciencia, No. 5, diciembre 2013: 62-75
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