Use of new technologies in the Honduran electoral process: electronic voting, discussion of perception in the UNAH-VS, February-May 2013
Democracy, politics, elections, new technologies, e-votingAbstract
The knowledge society characterized by technological advances progresses rapidly, and covers various areas of our life. In such a scenario, the political area is also immersed in this process, so that the use of new technologies in the electoral process is available for the future in many countries, but is present in others who have already implemented this option in their electoral process. The present study titled : Using new technologies in Honduran elections : electronic voting , discussion of its perception in UNAH -VS , February- June 2013, was born from the political turmoil that exists in Honduras because , among other reasons, the debate on the implementation of electronic voting in the 2013 election. The objective of the research is to identify the level of acceptance of the use of new technologies (e-voting) in the 2013 electoral process, taking in consideration the opinion of UNAH –VS students' .The results indicate that 90 % of the student population has heard of electronic voting and know about this voting option. 68% of the interviewed people give a 68% confidence rating to the Supreme Electoral Tribunal, and 92% think that the current voting system must be modernized.
Revista Portal de la Ciencia, No. 5, diciembre 2013: 79-86
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